We all want to create our own identity, something that defines us and makes us a whole lot different from others. We need something uniquely ours to help us reach our goals and aspirations. You can start by developing your very own personal mission statement. You may think a mission statement is just for organizations, but actually, you can create one for yourself. This may give you the direction and purpose you need in life. To learn how to prepare this statement, let us discuss this further below. And if you need any help with this, we’ve got a list of free personal mission statement samples that are downloadable on this page.

10+ Personal Mission Statement  Samples

1. Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


2. Personal Mission Statement Assignment

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 212 KB


3. Sample Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


4. Simple Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 496 KB


5. Basic Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


6. Formal Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


7. Professional Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 206 KB


8. Personal Mission Statement Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 95 KB


9. Blank Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 275 KB


10. Personal Mission Statement Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 100 KB


11. Printable Personal Mission Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 6 KB


What is a Personal Mission Statement?

People are often driven once they have a firm purpose in life, and have something to identify themselves with. You can do so by writing down your own personal mission statement. This may help inspire you to do what can in this life and to work hard to achieve it. This mission statement should be able to define who you are, and it identifies your purpose both personally and professionally. Remember that a mission statement isn’t just for professionals or for an employee, even a student or a housewife can prepare their own statements. This will serve as a tool that may aid you in difficult decisions, a framework for how you want to live your life, and a declaration that will steer you in the right direction and motivate you to stay on the right course. It is human nature to sometimes feel lost or we may reach a certain point in our life when we do not know what to do. Writing down your personal mission statement can very much give you a boost since you will start looking forward to something and try your very best to achieve these goals in life since now you have an action plan.

How To Write a Personal Mission Statement

Creating a personal mission statement doesn’t have a standard format. This is something exclusively yours, which is why this becomes your own personalized constitution, the basis for life decisions, as well as making daily choices that impact you and those around you. To get you started, here are some tips that may help you write an inspiring personal mission statement.

1. Goals and Aspirations

To start, think about what you want in life. You are free to think about anything as long as these are achievable. You can even create more than one goal, as this may inspire you to formulate a plan to give your life the direction it needs. Create short and long-term goals so you will be able to identify which you need to prioritize.

2. Reasons

Once you have identified your goals, there must be a reason why you have chosen them. Perhaps you want to become a pilot because aside from the fact you are interested in flying a plane, you also see this as an opportunity to visit different places which already comes with the job. Determining for whom and why you have chosen those goals will help you validate your mission statement. Sometimes we are determined to fulfill something for our personal needs and for others as well.

3. Skills

Determining what you think you’re good at will help you fulfill your goals. Well, even if you are not yet entirely good at something but you are determined to be good at it will keep you inspired. Part of your personal mission statement should reflect your best aptitudes and strengths. But remember, in life, everything is a trial and error, there will come a time when you may get tired of something and wish to harness another skill instead.

4. On Writing a Personal Mission Statement

Once you start writing your mission statement, it should be concise, and not too long. You can either write it down in a paragraph or in bullet form. However you want to format your statement is up to you, what is important is the content.

5. Continuous Process

There is no given time frame when it comes to creating a personal mission statement, over time you can keep adding or editing it. What is important this will help motivate you and that you will be able to put this into action.


What is the difference between a mission and vision statement?

A mission statement defines the overall purpose of an organization and describes what you do, who you do it for, and the benefit that it provides. Whereas a vision statement focuses on what an organization hopes to become in the future where they are able to fulfill its mission statement.

Why do companies have their own mission statements?

Companies need something to help inspire and drive their businesses to success. This is essential in helping a business make sound decisions that can be beneficial to its revenue.

How often can you change your mission statement?

There is no rule as to when you are allowed to change your personal mission statement, as we grow our views in life change so it is typical for someone to change, add or edit their statements.

Most of us have dreams and aspirations, but in order to get there, we need something to motivate us and give us direction. By preparing your very own personal mission statement, you will be able to identify what you need, and who you want to be in order to slowly achieve your goals.