When applying for a graduate program, applicants need to submit their graduate personal statement to the university admission office so they can be considered for admission based on their qualifications and credentials relevant to the graduate program they are applying for. While academic achievements are the main content in your paper, personal experiences that are relevant to the field you want to pursue are also included like leadership affiliations at school or in your local community.

You can think of a few qualities that you have that will help you in your application and all you need to do is to organize them in a comprehensive and logical way. So what are the key pointers that you have to remember in writing your own graduate personal statement? If you are kind of lost right now and don’t know how to start it, you can try our free Graduate Personal Statement Samples and choose which of the samples best suits you. Keep reading. 

10+ Graduate Personal Statement Samples

1. Graduate School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 221 KB


2. Professional Graduate Personal Essay Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 349 KB


3. Graduate School Supplement Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 272 KB


4. Crafting Graduate School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


5. University Graduate Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255 KB


6. Graduate Program Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 202 KB


7. Graduate Admission Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


8. Personal Statement for Graduate School

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 171 KB


9. Scholar Graduate School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 74 KB


10. Graduate School Essay Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 429 KB


11. Graduate School Application Personal Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14 KB


How to Write a Graduate School Personal Statement

  • Keep your narrative clear

Your narrative in writing your credentials must be clear and easy to understand so that evaluators of your application can gauge your potential and if you have the capabilities to be in their program. With that, think about your qualifications and plan out how you will present them. Perhaps, you can start from those qualities that you have that don’t really highlight your academic or professional journey. After that, surprise them by showcasing your greatest achievements in an enthusiastic way that they will be looking forward to knowing more about through your paper. 

  • Mention actual professional experience

In your personal statement, you are convincing your application’s evaluators how much you wanted to be admitted in the program. You can convince them more effectively by mentioning examples of actual events in your life in which you demonstrated your capabilities to see actual results. Plainly stating that you’re passionate about science most likely would not impress admission evaluators but telling them that for the love of science, you built your own chemistry laboratory where you conduct your experiments for school or for any activity that enriches your knowledge.

You can also include instances of your academic affairs wherein some notable personalities in the field of your interest inspired you to keep going and how their teachings helped you to overcome struggles and win over them. These teachings pertain to the theories and works they become known for and how these helped you in your academic trajectory. 

  • Express your passion

To make your personal statement even appealing, express your passion and eagerness to be admitted into the graduate program. Include this in your paper by stating those parts of the curriculum that interests you the most and the things that you want to experience to make the most out of it. Aside from that, express your excitement about working with some individuals inside the school and what are the activities that you want to do with them in which you can demonstrate your skills and expertise. By that, you are showing your utmost interest in the school and the program. 

  • Reliable writing skills

Of course, to be able to write a good and effective graduate personal statement, you need to have a reliable skill in writing and a good foundation in grammar. To be able to communicate your qualifications and good traits, your paper should be free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Reread and edit it over and over again until you can’t read any errors in every sentence. Also, avoid including cliches and overused words. Such phrases like, “ever since I was a child” should be avoided because it is a common introductory phrase and can give a negative impression of your writing level. 


What is an admission criteria?

The minimum credentials to be allowed entry into certain programs.

What does a professional placement mean?

It is where students work in an actual working environment to gain experience and learn skills related to their field of study.

What is an academic stream?

It is an area of specialization specific to certain degree programs. Ex. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering specializing in Telecommunications.