After high school, getting into college and in a university is the next thing that youngsters focus on to be able to succeed in life and have a successful career someday. Thus, college applications are expected during class openings and a powerful tool to be able to get into your dream university is to show an impressive university personal statement to the admissions office among other things.

Aspiring college applicants must remember that their personal statement might be their only chance to talk to admissions evaluators so it is a great advantage that they showcase the best qualities in their personal statements. Your personal statement provides the opportunity to convince the program heads that you are a good fit to be one of their best students and why they should choose you over other applicants. To help you get started on your own, download our free University Personal Statement Samples and see what format you want to follow. Here are the basic contents to write your own university personal statement.

10+ University Personal Statement Samples

1. University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 106 KB


2. University Personal Statement Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


3. Printable University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


4. University Personal Statement of Business

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 252 KB


5. Masters University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


6. University Personal Statement Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


7. Medicine University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


8. Editable University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 889 KB


9. Professional University Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 273 KB


10. University Personal Statement for Job

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 323 KB


11. Standard University Personal Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


How to Write a University Personal Statement

  • Reasons on applying

The first thing you need to ask yourself and should be included in your statements are the reasons why you want to pursue your chosen field of study. This is where you state your interests and hobbies to support your claim that you are really eager to pursue this course. Show that you are passionate about it by mentioning what are your career goals in the future and where do you see yourself succeeding having learned what you have to learn in your degree of choice. 

  • Relevant experiences

List experiences during your primary and high school years where you have demonstrated your adeptness in the theories and practices related to your chosen program. Show evidence of your claim like presenting certificates of participation or competition or mention something only those who are in the same field can understand. These could be important theories and works related to the course of study or important books relevant to such a field. Your hobbies and likes must also be aligned with the program you want to pursue. 

  • Reveal your good traits

In your personal statement, don’t be short in sharing about you as a person outside the school. Tell them more about your hobbies, the songs you listen to, your favorite TV shows, or even your pet’s name. Include activities and affiliations both inside and outside of school because they will also evaluate how well you interact with others while doing something worthwhile that helped you develop your character and learn some skills. 

  • Deferred Entry

If you are planning to defer for a year or two, state a good reason why you would like to do so. It could be that you are planning to seek employment to further your knowledge or you want to be an exchange student to another country to experience the standards of living in that country and studying abroad. Whatever your reasons for taking a year gap should still be pursuant to your personal development plan. 

  • Make an impacting concluding statement

End your personal statement with two sentences or more that wrap up your strengths and qualities that will make the admissions committee remember you. Include your motivations to finish your degree and project to them your ideal self equipped with the learnings and training that you obtained from the program. 


What is an admission test?

Also called entrance exams and is a test conducted by colleges and universities to measure the student’s preparedness for college work and level of difficulty.

What does an open admission mean?

When a certain college program does not look at the grades and achievements to accept applicants.

What is rolling admission?

A policy in accepting college applicants in which an applicant can only be evaluated once they passed all the required documents for admission rather than setting a specific deadline for them to pass the required documents.

Applying for college admission is just the beginning of your journey and life in the university. What really is impressive is that you are living up to the qualifications and expectations you have for yourself and not giving up on the hardships of each learning experience. The passion should keep on burning until graduation comes.