When we talk about projects these could be for education, construction, humanitarian purposes, or any kind of new initiative you wish to bring about in your business. But any project needs to have a direction, a path to stir it to success. This brings us to what we call a project goal statement. In some cases when you have a project in mind, you need to be able to look for sponsors to fund your project. Once you are able to develop a project goal statement, this will get your sponsors interested and eventually decide to fund your project. Think of this as something to help convince your sponsors, but will need to be able to produce the right words and formulate the proper project goal statement to succeed. Learn and read more about this below, and should you need any help with that goal statement then check out our free project goal statement samples which are all available for download on this page.

10+ Project Goal Statement Samples

1. Project Goal Worksheet Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


2. Project Charter Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 578 KB


3. Project Goal Strategy Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


4. Project Goal Outcomes Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


5. Project Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


6. Community Project Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


7. Project Goal Setting Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 328 KB


8. Project Board Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 178 KB


9. Multimedia Project Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


10. Sample Project Goal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


11. Project Scope Goal Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 17 KB


What Is a Project Goal Statement?

First of all, when we have a project in mind we have more or less thought of the goals associated which are very much part of every project plan. But in order for the project goals to succeed there are several steps that need to be done to reach its completion. One of which is obtaining the proper funding. With the help of a project goal statement, you will be able to set clear and concise project goals that can make way for its ultimate completion. This formal document will include the project context, its purpose, quality focus, and its viewpoint. More importantly, it should point out the benefits the sponsors will be getting once the project reaches its completion.

How To Write a Project Goal Statement?

To make sure that your sponsors are making the right decision sponsoring your project, your goal statement should be able to address certain areas in terms of quality, costs, and timeline. You will need to include the qualitative changes the project may bring about if it is cost-effective and the timeline for each accomplished task. To start writing a project goal statement here are several tips to help you.

1. Goal Setting

To start, you need to create specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals or popularly known as SMART goal setting. This will help you formulate a proper project goal statement that can help convince your sponsors.

2. Benefits

You can include the overall business benefits that the project will be able to deliver once it is completed. This will help sponsors with their decision whether they are making the right choice of investing in the project.

3. Be Consistent

While writing your goal statement, you must be consistent, direct, and are able to formulate the right words that will be relevant to your project plans. You must be able to impart the right message to your readers. Take note, this will help get the funding you need, so make sure to go over your statement and double-check what you have written.

4. Communicating Your Goal Statement

After finishing your statement, the next step is to present this to your prospective sponsors. The eventual success of your project goal statement will depend on how well you are able to communicate this to your sponsors or investors. So, it’s not only how well you have written the document, what also matters is how well you are able to explain it. Make sure you are able to emphasize the importance of the project and its benefits and include specific time-frames for the completion of the project.


What Is a Project Timeline?

This is an overview of a project’s deliverables. It provides a simple, but comprehensive visual overview of a project from start to finish. A detailed timeline paints a roadmap for your project with milestones, tasks, dependencies, and delivery dates.

What Are Project Plans?

This defines project goals and objectives, specifies tasks and how goals will be achieved, identifies what resources will be needed, and associated budgets and timelines for completion.

Why Do Projects Need Investors?

In most cases, projects are treated as investments. They bring about benefits to those who decide to invest and sponsor such undertaking.

A well-crafted project goal statement can get the proper funding that will help complete your project. It is important you are aware of how and what should be written; that being said our templates will be able to help you so don’t forget to download these now!