A business purpose statement is presented to the public together with a business’s vision and mission statement to know the purpose of their existence and being in the market. A purpose statement is essential to a business because it serves as a reminder of what the company wants to achieve in the future and what things it can do that is significant to society. It is essentially what guides the company as it makes progress towards achieving its goals. If you are a business owner and aim to propel your business towards success, you can start by downloading our free Business Purpose Statement Sample. Given the generalizations, what are the specifics of the importance of having a purpose statement for your business? Keep reading to find out. 

10+ Business Purpose Statement Sample

1. Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


2. Printable Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 613 KB


3. Business Purpose Statement Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 201 KB


4. Business Purpose and Overview Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


5. Small Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


6. Business Purpose Statement Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 644 KB


7. Editable Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


8. Business Purpose and Vision Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


9. Real Estate Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


10. Business Company Purpose Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 275 KB


11. Standard Business Purpose Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Importance of having a business purpose statement

1. Motivational guide for employees

A company’s purpose statement guides employees in how to do their day-to-day tasks while maintaining a good relationship with the company and with the customers and clients. Knowing the purpose statement of the company helps employees to understand the importance of their roles in making sure that they represent the company in its best interests. In that way, the workers will be able to set their minds that what they are doing can make a difference to the community in general. 

2. Meet the company’s goals

The purpose statement is the baseline of the goals and aspirations of the company. Without it, the business will not likely have a concrete end goal as a collection of a group of people working together to see results. It is a statement of guiding principles for all workers of different departments from the lowest positions to the executives. It is what inspires them to put their best foot forward in all their tasks and to see if the results of their hard work bear a great impact on the company’s productivity. It is what keeps the company operating under the same purpose and objectives. 

3. Establish employee loyalty

Employees like working for bosses who value their efforts and contributions to the company more than the salary compensation that they will receive for completing their tasks. In the same effect, companies that are true to their purpose and apply their core values will keep the employees’ loyalty especially if they actually treat them well. Communicating the purpose statement to the workers makes them a significant part of something greater no matter how low their positions and salaries are. Consequently, they feel happy about their jobs and they will feel accomplished at the end of their daily duties. 

4. Sets the business apart from others

The purpose statement must be unique from others so that a business will have a unique identity amidst the competition. If the workers are religiously doing their tasks while incorporating the values of the company, their unique way of conducting business will leave a lasting impression in the minds of customers. In turn, they will be able to keep the loyalty of a significant number of people and will maintain or even increase the company’s profit.

Customers see what sets one company apart from another by experiencing firsthand their services and the assistance they provide in order to give what best fits their needs. It is by being uniquely better than the others that a business thrives longer than the other while keeping up with the very tight competition in the market. 


What is return on investment?

It is a measure of how much a business gained or lost on an investment in comparison to the spending capital used.

What does it mean by benchmarking?

It is what a company does to set goals of improving certain aspects of their business and to identify opportunities to modify processes that need changing.

What is an employee turnover?

When an employee leaves an organization, they need to be replaced to continue normal operations.