It was stated by the Tri-council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans that “individuals who participate in research should do so voluntarily, understanding the purpose of the research, its risks and potential benefits, as fully as reasonably possible.” They also added that “researchers shall provide to a prospective participant, or authorized third parties, full disclosure of all information necessary for making an informed decision to participate in a research project.” A disclosure in research must only be research study designs are insufficient to answer the research questions. Its purpose usually rely on posing ethical concerns in respect to voluntariness, informed consent, and potential risk to participants.

There are conditions that should be met and followed prior to an ethical clearance. Among these are the facts that research proposals must involve no more than minimal risk to its participants, lacking consent from the participants affect their own welfare, the impracticality to carry out research if the participant’s consent is required, debriefing of participants with information, and the assurance that the research itself do not have any clinical or diagnostic interventions. It would be the responsibility of every researcher to give details or information in order to address what is being required. The researchers must also include rationale and justification for an incomplete disclosure.

10+ Research Disclosure Statement Samples

1. Research Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


2. Research Financial Interest Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 38 KB


3. Research Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 235 KB


4. Health Services Research Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


5. Research Project Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


6. Sample Research Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 611 KB


7. Research Foundation Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


8. Research Administration Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 223 KB


9. Research Program Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


10. Research Title Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


11. Standard Research Disclosure Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 KB


Writing a Disclosure Statement

Knowing about a disclosure statement, you have to supply all the necessary information in order to avoid any type of arguments or misunderstanding between the involved parties. You should be able to create a disclosure statement that will satisfy the receiving party. In addition, you have to remember a few things:

  1. Do not delete or remove any information. You should at least be honest about the details of all your transactions. You may consider providing a disclosure statement objective. This is quite a hard thing to do, but you will still be able to avoid wasting much of your effort and time in arguments.
  2. You have to write as clearly as possible. Do not use any complicated words in your disclosure statement. You have to make it more understandable for all types of readers. Also, keep your sentence short and simple.
  3. Attach some documents needed for your disclosure statement. You have to attach the necessary documents that will be needed to support your disclosure statement, but you have to understand that those documents will usually depend on every transaction.
  4. Review and make revisions if necessary. Before submitting your disclosure statement, you have to review it first especially with those information that was placed in the document itself. Revise them if there are any errors. You may also ask someone to read it and ask about their opinion regarding the disclosure statement.

You also have to remember that having a partial disclosure usually involves having an investigator that will assist with the information about the objective of the research study and in other areas of the research. Partial disclosure is referred to as an incomplete disclosure. An example would be participants who are informed about the purpose of the study but are not provided with the focus which causes to lead to the objectives of the investigator.


Why are disclosure statements important?

Disclosure statements communicates relevant information that are not included in the statement itself to a particular company’s stakeholders especially if it talks about aspects regarding finance.

What is a deception?

A deception occurs when the investigator provides a false information to the research participants about one or more aspects of a research study. We all know that when you give false information, it will become very misleading.

If you want to see more samples and format, check out some of the research disclosure statement samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.

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