Managing and administering any kind of research study is no easy feat. It takes for a single person months, even years, to finish it. For some, they go nowhere in their study which leads to frustration and sometimes, disappointment. That’s why some institutions, advise researchers to create a research mission statement. Just like a mission statement of an organization, the mission statement of research can aid researchers on what their actual goals that they want to achieve in their research. Knowing the research goals can help researchers keep track of their studies. If you’re a researcher and you’re feeling stuck in your research, you may need a research mission statement to help. Read the article below to know how to write one.

7+ Research Mission Statement Samples

1. Research Mission Statement Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


2. Printable Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


3. Standard Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 247 KB


4. Professional Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 268 KB


5. Formal Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 355 KB


6. University Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 262 KB


7. Basic Research Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


8. Research Mission Statement Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 387 KB


Importance of a Research Mission Statement

A research mission statement, or also called a research purpose statement, will help you discover and define what goals you want to accomplish in your research study in the long term. Once you have your mission statement, you can refer to it to make sure that any decisions you make for your research are aligned with your mission statement.

How does a research paper purpose statement differ from a problem statement, thesis statement, or research question?

problem statement identifies the problem that needs to be studied. It is the first step to do in research before creating the mission statement. A thesis statement is a prediction of the research study. It is similar to a hypothesis. And a research question is created based on your problem and mission statement. This is a statement guide on what you want your research to answer through your research questions.

Creating a Purpose Statement

 1. Think About General Values Terms

First of all, you have to think about any values that are important to you; the type of values that you want to possess or embody, especially in doing your research. For example, you can put learning, originality, integrity, open-mindedness, growth as the values you want to apply in doing your research.  List them down so you won’t forget them.

2. Think About Your Research Goals

Next, is to know what you want to achieve in your research, could it be contributing a new study in a certain field? Or a deep insight and understanding of a certain study? Write them down.

3. Write Your Official Mission Statement

Now is the time to write your mission statement for real. The good news is that there is no rigid format on how to write it; the length and style are up to you. After all, the mission statement must resonate with you.

For the content, write the goals statements you’ve written first; make sure they reflect the values you’ve listed down.  After that, write the following points mentioned below to make your mission statement clear:

  • Define your study either as quantitative or qualitative.
  • Use words to clarify your intent like “explore a certain study” or “compare this interesting topic and another interesting topic.”
  • Clearly define how the research will take place, who or what will be studied, and where the research will take place.


What are the three purposes of research?

The three main purposes of research are exploration, description, and explanation.

What are the different types of research?

There are a lot of different types of research. Some examples of research types are quantitative research, qualitative research, descriptive research, analytical research, applied research, fundamental research, exploratory research, and conclusive research.

What are the characteristics of a research?

For the research to be well ordered, it must have these following characteristics:

  • The research should focus on priority problems
  • The research must be systematic and logical
  • The research should be replicable for future improvement studies or used as a reference
  • The research should be action-oriented

Once you’re done writing your research mission statement, make sure it is understandable for anyone to read it. Organize your ideas and thought properly. Make sure you also used the proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation as well. Once you’ve set your mission statement, it will serve as your guide on conducting your research study accordingly. It will also guide you on your research’s success. To help you get started, you can download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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