A statement is generally defined as a clear assertion of something in speech or in writing. A statement can be used in many definite ways as needed; for instance, in a Business Statement, it’s an official written expression of a company’s function, purpose, and business philosophies. It states what the organization is and the reason for its existence.
There are several types of statements distinguished by the various purposes it may serve. In some formal cases, the Purpose of Statement is to serve as the official account of facts and events declared by a defendant, a witness, and other parties presented to legal authorities.
Thesis Statement Examples
Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements
Thesis Statement Worksheet
Income Statement Examples
Sample Statement of Company Income
Statement of Income Tax
What Is a Personal Statement?
Although a personal statement may as well have a number of uses, its principal purpose always encircle around trying to stand out and sell yourself to your intended prospective reader. When applying for a career post, a well-written personal statement may definitely give you a good deal of an advantage. It may only be a brief summary of your skill sets and professional experience, but when done right, it could give you the edge and set you apart from the general competition.
A personal statement is just one of the various types of statements we are presenting with Sample Templates on this page, also see Victim Impact Statements.
How to Write a Thesis Statement?
Every thesis paper should have a central idea or gist and communicates this key point. The arguments you devise must display this. The sentence or two that encapsulates your standpoint on the central idea is called the thesis statement and is arguably the hardest to formulate. Check out and get accustomed to our sample statement templates for your guide, also see Privacy Statements.
Here are tips on how to write a thesis statement.
- Be sure to carefully determine your paper’s purpose, type, your target audience.
- Ask the most relevant question that directly pertains to the principal key point of your paper; the answer to it should be your thesis statement—must address a particularly relevant issue in excellent detail.
- Take a stance, then make a dynamic, fresh yet powerful approach. Be sure that your claim is provable.
- Limit the statement to one or two sentences with a clear and definite topic and a short summary of what you will tell.
Mission Statement Examples
Personal Mission Statement
Creating Mission and Vision Statements
Personal Statement Examples
Statement of Personal Medicine
Personal Financial Statement Format
Problem Statement Examples
Research Problem Statement Review Form
Problems of Privacy and Data
Victim Impact Statement Examples
Victim Impact Statement Form
Crime Victim’s Impact Form
Tips for Making Financial Statements
- It’s commonplace to use an accrual accounting system best as opposed to the cash system. Reporting revenue and associated expenditures in varying periods, accrual system does better matching on revenue and expenses.
- Be sure to do accounting process accurately. Allow calculation of gross margin percentage (GMP). GMP is generally a direct determinant or problem indicator.
- Determine product/service line by line profitability and find out if there’s a need to raise price points or cut down on costs, or just cut off any unprofitable variables.
- Straighten out the “People’s costs” line item by breaking separately financial line items with costs/revenues that are the responsibility of multiple persons/people, until the point where accountability falls under only a single manager.
- Impose financial statement generation and submission not later than within two weeks of each month-end period and insist on meeting the set deadlines.
- Compulsorily set to secure all crucial available information, Billing Statements, and other essential items accounted for and reported within the monthly deadline and hard close the month.
Closing Statement Examples
Sample Closing Format
Legal Closing Statement
Examples of Financial Statements
Personal Financial Statement Form
International Student Financial Form
Example of Diversity Statements
Policy Statement on Diversity, Inclusion and Respect
Workplace Diversity Statement
Statement of Interest Examples
Conflicts of Interest Statement
Statement of Research Interest
Statement for Scholarship
Personal Statement for York Scholarship
Business Needs Statements
Business Case Needs Form
IT Business Needs
How to Write a Profit and Loss Statement for a Business Plan?
A profit and loss or income statement reveals your company sales and expenses and is normally reported in a timely manner: monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. It shows either how much profit you’re making or if your business is losing. This helps you develop appropriate strategies to keep your business running and actually growing in profit.
Refer to the general outline below and just fill in the required details:
- Total sales
- Total cost of sold items
- Gross Profit/Net sales – Calculate total sales minus cost of items sold minus any other expenditures related to the production of a good or service.
- Accountant fees
- Advertising and marketing
- Bank fees and charges
- Bank interest
- Credit card fees
- Utilities and telephone bills
- Payments on lease and loans
- Rent and rates
- Vehicle expenses
- Repairs and maintenance
- Stationery and printing
- Insurance
- Superannuation
- Income tax
- Wages (including PAYG)
- Total expenses – Total all of your expenses above
- Net profit – Calculate gross profit/net sales minus total expenses
You may choose to also include a Closing Statement.
How to Write a Vision Statement?
A carefully constructed vision statement defines the core values and ideals that give structure and direction to any business. We suggest these helpful tips call to mind when crafting your vision statement:
- Always focus on success.
- Paint a mental picture of how you want the business to become. The most sought after restaurant chain for instance, see Restaurant Statements.
- Be a dreamer and dream big while projecting 5 to 10 years ahead.
- But write with the present tense in a clear and concise manner.
- Incorporate emotion and passion with your statement.
- Have a plan in mind on communicating the vision to all employees.
- Make sure to identify the company’s core values as the vision statement will be crafted around them.
- Finally, it should be craftily written to answer these essential questions:
- Who is your target niche market, and what do you want to offer or do for your customer base?
- What does your company aspire to achieve and the problems you hope to solve in the next 5–10 years?
Army Performance Work Template
Performance Based Work Statement
Positioning Statement Examples
Brand Positioning Worksheet
Joint Positioning Statement
Scope Statement Examples
Example of Project Scope
Scope of Financial Statement
Cash Flow Statement Examples
Statement for Projected Cash Flow
Cash Flow Statement in Excel
Goal Statement Examples
Career Goal Statement
Personal Goal Format for Graduate School
Confidentiality Statement Examples
Survey Confidentiality Statement
Statement for Confidentiality Policy
Objective Statement Examples
Sample Resume Objective
Project Objectives
Research Statement Examples
Statement for Research Problem
Research Interests Form
Guidelines for Preparing a Statement
It is often crucial for us to seek expert advice on how to produce it ourselves. Imagine how a lot easier it would make your life if you could freely get pre-made sample templates as your guide to composing a formal statement on your own. You may now thank your lucky stars as you have now been made acquainted with the numerous types of statements with their respective uses along with sample templates you may readily download on this page, also see Diversity Statements.
As an extra take-away, we suggest these practical guidelines on how to effectively prepare a statement.
- Be specific and precise. Avoid being too broad, general, or obscure when constructing your statements.
- Be brief and concise. Limit to one or two sentences if possible.
- Be clear and definite with the complete factual details. Don’t confuse your readers.
- Must be goal-oriented. The desired outcome and purpose should be stated.