A statement is defined as a sentence that tells the truth about something. It could also mean an account about facts, opinions or views, and important future plans. It is also like that of a declaration where an individual provides the exact details of their properties, like vehicles and real estates. Court proceedings also require various types of statements. This just goes to say that general statements are more than just sentences. It is something that has a deeper meaning and purpose.
In this article are 7+ statement of facts samples in PDF and Word that you can view and download. These samples are in different varieties so that you will be able to find one that is exactly what you need or perhaps close to what you need. We have also included basic information that will help you further understand what standard statement of facts are and how to go about making one. Feel free to check out the samples below!
Sample Bank Statement of Facts
General Statement of Facts Template
Standard Statement of Facts Sample
Statement of Facts Template
Statement of Facts for Grounds for Appeal
What Is a Statement of Facts?
Facts are referred to as something that actually exists in the real world or occurrences that really happened. Writing a statement of facts means writing down every single detail of an event or accident. A statement of facts is a popular document that is mostly used in court proceedings where an individual’s encounter about a certain incident is being recalled or provided in chronological order and in a very detailed manner. This kind of statement of facts is known as a witness statement. It is difficult to write a statement of facts on your own, especially without the advice of a professional, like lawyers. Whatever is written in the statement of facts that an individual presents to court is subject to scrutiny from the judge and other prosecutors.
The goal of writing a statement of facts is purely to convince or persuade the court and its audience to believe one’s side of the story. That is why it is important that a statement be written with utmost care, making sure that all the details are clearly stated and the rest of the story is consistent throughout. Otherwise, it may appear questionable in court, thus making an individual’s credibility and honesty doubtful. You may also see sample research statements
There are also statement of facts that are used outside the courtroom. Although used in different situations and proceedings, they still serve the same purpose—which is to provide real and existing information about something. Statement of facts can be used to declare the status of one’s vehicle, for making an appeal or when making a dispute. The important thing to know about statement of facts is that all the information supplied into the statement form should all be true, otherwise one might face legal consequences for falsifying the details.
Uses of a Statement of Facts Sample
There are a lot of statement of facts samples that are available online and they can be accessed anytime you want. Now, if you’re lucky, you might find something for free. Well, it’s not that it is very difficult to find though. So what would you actually do with a statement of facts samples? If you still don’t know, the list we have enumerated below might be able to help you.
1. If you are required to write a statement of facts for the fist time and you definitely don’t know what to do, then download these amazing statement of facts samples that you can find here. The sample will give you an idea on what things you need to write on your statement.
2. The samples will also serve as your guide about what you should and should not include in a statement of facts.
3. You can copy some of the details provided in the statement of facts sample, provided that they apply to you and that they are appropriate for your needs. An exception is when writing a statement of facts about your encounter of a particular incident that you will be presenting in court.
4. A statement of facts sample also serves as your guide on what you should write on a statement of facts form when you are trying to fill out one. This makes it easy for you to go about writing down the details instead of guessing what you should actually write on the form.
5. There are a lot of students who are visual learners. This means that they learn faster if the discussion is accompanied by a visual aid, and a statement of facts sample does just that.
What other brilliant things do you think or can you think of to best use a statement of facts samples? I’m pretty sure it has more uses than what we have listed above. Aside from statement of facts samples, we also have statement templates that you might find useful. They are legal statement samples and templates, personal financial statement samples, and free cash flow statement samples and templates.
What Is a Statement of Facts for DMV?
DMV stands for the Department of Motor vehicles. In the United States, they are the department responsible for car registrations and other related stuff. A DMV statement of facts is known as a legal document where the specifics and other facts about the vehicle is provided without having to go through an argument. It is like a declaration about one’s motor vehicle. The facts that are usually required in this statement are the name of the owner of the motor vehicle, make and model of the motor vehicle, where it was purchased, its body color, the brand of the motor vehicle, and the list goes on.
The DMV is responsible for the registration of new motor vehicles with its corresponding paperwork. They provide a statement of facts form that they exclusively use to ensure that everybody provides the exact information they are looking for. To further declare that the statement is true, the applicant for registration needs to affix their signature to the document.
Other related topics you might be interested in are DMV application forms, DMV bill of sale samples, and DMV change of address form.
Statement of Facts Sample for Disputes
Sample Statement of Agreed Facts
DMV Statement of Facts Template
Agreed Statement of Facts for a Criminal Case
Respondent’s Statement of Facts and Contentions
MVD Statement of Facts Template
How Can You Make Your Statement of Facts Better?
Not all statement of facts are used in the courtroom. There are some that are used to declare something about a property or an asset. Writing a statement of facts is not something that everybody is required to do on a daily basis. But if ever you find yourself really having a hard time making one, then you might want to check out the tips that we a have gathered below.
1. Write in the most persuasive manner without being too extreme. This can be done by learning about persuasive techniques, such as persuasive writing.
2. Your own theory of the case should be incorporated in your statement of facts, this way you will be able to write one that is believable and helps emphasize to your reader what really happened.
3. Never make up a story that never happened in your statement of facts, especially if it is going to be presented in court. While you have seen a lot of these things happen in the movies, the tide won’t be on your side in real life. You will see that your story will be easily found out.
4. Always be consistent with what you are writing. Don’t change the names, phrases, or words that you use in your statement of facts because it will make your work look inconsistent and unreliable.
5. Always be specific about the dates and time that you write in your statement. Write the details exactly as you remember it.
6. Avoid using vague words such as maybe, could be, around that time, etc. Your statement will look unreliable if you do so.
7. Write clearly and concisely. You don’t have to use impressive, rare, and difficult to pronounce words just to make you look smart. The people who are going to read your statement are not interested on how smart you are but they are more interested on how well you present the facts.
8. As much as possible, a statement of facts should be unbiased even if it presents your side of the story.
9. Do not use words that are overly dramatic.
10. If you are using simple or neutral sentences, find a way to tweak those sentences to become more persuasive without overdoing it.
The best tip or technique that you can use in writing your own statement is one that you learned on your own. The best way to gain that knowledge available statement samples and templates. Examples are disclosure statement samples and templates, personal financial statements samples and templates, and net worth statement samples.