Employers and even university personnel will ask you about making a statement that some details about your qualifications over a particular position. This will enable you to highlight your goals and skills in an excellent way. A well-written statement can give you a very huge advantage over the other candidates. Some would advise that you should be able to break a task of writing a statement down into manageable steps that helps you write a strong statement for your development and other purposes. It is best to always consider following the right structure like having the introduction, body, and conclusion sections in the correct order. You should write them in a way that would best encourage you to write your statements effectively.
10+ Talent Statement Samples
1. Talent Management Statement
2. Talent Community Privacy Statement
3. Talent Charter Statement
4. Talent Acquisition Privacy Statement
5. Talent Agent Association Statement
6. Statement of Talent
7. Talent Grant Statement
8. Talent Committee Statement
9. Talent Community Data Privacy Statement
10. Excellence Talent Policy Statement
11. Employment Talent Privacy Statement
What is a Talent Statement?
Talent statements should not be included in your bio or in your curriculum vitae. It is created to let other people know what are your responsibilities right now. You do not have to repeat any of the information that is already shown in your profile. The focus of your talent statement should only be your current tasks and work assignments.
Do’s and Don’ts
1. Keep the statement short but straight to the point – having two to three sentences in a paragraph is enough to tell about the necessary details needed in a talent statement. It does not necessarily have to be present in your bio or CV even though it could be one of the ways wherein you can tell others about what you’ve been doing as of the moment.
2. Do not repeat information that are already written in your profile – this may refer to the title. Again, the focus of a talent statement is to deal with your current tasks and assignments.
3. Mention the unit, school, or program that you consider yourself a part of – there may be some instances where other people might be in-charge of the same thing in another school or institution.
In your talent statement, you should be able to include the following:
- specifications of the unit, school, or program that you belong to
- details about your responsibility
- the type of things or question that most people can contact or ask you about
Example of a talent statement:
“I work with the Master’s Programme in Mathematics at the School of Science.
My responsibilities include the development of the programme, offering study guidance to the students of the programme, transfer of credits, and curriculum planning.
You can contact me in any issues related to studying at the Master’s Programme in Mathematics, such as study guidance, which courses to choose, minor studies in Mathematics, individual study arrangements, and transferring credits from another university to your degree in Mathematics.”
The body of your talent statement will be able to let you share more about the necessary skills, interests, talents, and experiences. You may write using the following elements:
- Achievements and experience – this may include your degree, awards, certification, and experience you have held that is in relation to your responsibilities right now.
- Relevant skills and talents – provide a description of your talents and skills which you learned along the way. Consider mentioning some of the skills that contributes well to your development.
- The contribution to the management and organization – discuss why you feel that you can become an asset into the organization. You may even try to mention some of your experiences to learn a particular skill, perform a task or even learn a specific credentials.
- Professional goals – you can write about your specific goals that you think would fit into your dreams and your future endeavor.
In writing a talent statement, you should only write at least 2-3 sentences in a paragraph to discuss comprehensively while also keeping it short and simple. If you want to see more samples, check out some talent statement samples and templates and use it as your guide in creating one.