A teaching statement is one of the main requirements for an academic position. These statements has become an increasingly important part of the hiring and tenure processes. As these are also effective exercises in helping one clearly and coherently conceptualize his or her approaches and experiences of teaching and learning. Teachers and professors often compose these statements as a way to reflect on one’s teaching style, their morals, personal beliefs and goals. Find out more about teaching statements in this article and check out below our free teaching statement samples.

10+ Teaching Statement Samples

1. Charity Teaching Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


2. Teaching Experience Statement

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Size: 46 KB


3. Teaching Statement

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Size: 92 KB


4. Sample Teaching Statement

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Size: 79 KB


5. Standard Teaching Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


6. Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Size: 61 KB


7. Printable Teaching Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


8. Teaching Methodology Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


9. Statement of Teaching Interest

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


10. University Teaching Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


11. Teaching and Mentoring Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 23 KB


What Is a Teaching Statement?

A teaching statement or teaching philosophy statement is an essay or composition about the author’s teaching beliefs and practices. Here you demonstrate your suitability for teaching through the right combination of qualities to enable you to become an effective teacher and it indicates that you have been reflective and purposeful about your teaching.

How Do You Write a Teaching Statement?

Breaking down the process of writing a teaching statement into steps can make it easily manageable and help you include all of the most important information. Here are the general guidelines to remember in order to be able to compose a clear teaching statement:

1. Reflect

Before you get started reflect first on what you need to write, do a little self-assessment. Ponder on the ideas for what you could incorporate into your personal statement, including accomplishments, strengths and skills as a teacher.

2. Introduction

Include a brief introduction about yourself, your academic career and your teaching background if applicable or any related experience you have in teaching.

3. Assessment of Teaching and Teaching Methods

In this portion of the statement, highlight your achievements, skills and strengths. As well as your approach on teaching in a classroom and a description of how your teaching facilitates student learning. If you have to add, include any interests in new techniques, latest activities and types of learning. It would be helpful if you can create an impact statement that would persuade the school to choose you by listing down what sets you apart from other candidates.

4. Additional Details

If applicable you may want to include a list of courses you have taught, teaching evaluations and recommendation letters.

5. Conclusion

End your statement with a clear objective and intention of why you are applying for that academic position. Formulate action plans on how you would realize your goals and aspirations as a teacher. Share your vision for what you would like to achieve in your next teaching position, possibly touching on learning, teaching styles and strategies.


What Is a Teaching Method?

The term Teaching Method refers to the principles, management strategies and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. The teaching method is determine by the subject taught, educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area and school mission statement.

What Is Learner Centered Teaching?

This is a kind of teaching approach that focuses on the learners and their development rather than on the transmission of content; it addresses the balance of power in teaching and learning. And moves toward learners actively constructing their own knowledge, and puts the responsibility for learning on the learners.

What Is a Teaching Philosophy?

A Teaching Philosophy is the definition of your moral values and and beliefs related to your teaching method. Your philosophy is often a combination of programs you studied in the university and lessons learned during any professional experience. It may also draw upon your own experience of childhood education, either as a parent or as a child yourself.

Teachers are one of the most important members in our society. As a child we look up to them as role models, seek their guidance and support as we grow up and they dedicate themselves through the power of education. This is why composing a teacher statement is important not just for acquiring an academic position but for self evaluation and personal development.