Every single one of us has experienced some kind of hurt or pain before. Either we have experienced physical pain like from a vehicular accident or a punch from someone, or emotional, like breaking up with somebody; the point is, we know what it is like to be hurt.

However, there are certain kinds of pain that are more severe, serious, and traumatic than the others. If you are one of those people who find it difficult to live every day because of a traumatic experience that you have to endure, we have a few things that may appease your difficult situation. Below are Sample Statements you may want to consider checking out for you to feel better.

Victim Personal Statement in PDF

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Size: 21KB


Victim Impact Statement Free

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Size: 146KB


Sample Victim Statement Form

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Size: 13KB


Child Victim Impact Statement

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Size: 45KB


A victim impact statement is an account that intends to inform the court of the grave effects a crime has on an individual or a group. This statement has some of the following contents:

  • the physical and emotional harm the crime has caused on you,
  • the financial costs you have incurred from the crime,
  • a statement on how your family has been affected to the harm done on you,
  • any medical and psychological treatments you have undergone through,
  • your need for restitution, and
  • there are also instances where victims are able to express their personal views of the crime or of the offender.


  • The impact statement is from the victim’s perspective and it is necessary for the judge to consider all facts and angles of the crime for him to make a verdict. The court can hear how the offense has affected you.
  • This can help you attain a sense of emotional well-being. By being given a chance to express yourself, you are letting others know how they have harmed you. They can adjust how they can treat you and help you in the journey toward getting over what happened to you.
  • This can go to the permanent file of your offender. What they have done to you will haunt them for the rest of his/her life.

Some Ways on How You Can Express Your Statement

  • Remember that when you present your statement in court, you have to be factual; all information that you relay in court should be the truth.
  • Do not directly express blame and anger to your offender, which means that you are not allowed to make any threats or use inappropriate language; your goal is to express how much pain the crime has caused you.
  • Do not mention details about yourself that are too personal such as your address and contact details.
  • And do not forget that details about your struggles matter, so you have to write clearly and in a descriptive manner.


We have more statements that can be of help to you, such as Sample Research Statements. Feel free to browse and download.

Primary Victim Statement of Claim Form

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Size: 32KB


Victim Reporting Preference Statement

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Size: 49KB


Victim Impact Statement Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 363 KB


Some Tips on How to Deal with the Aftermath

  • The pain is normal. You don’t have to try to get rid of the pain right away, you are expected to feel that way. Keep in mind that it will abate eventually and that you will feel better after some time.
  • Find somebody to talk to. You have to talk your struggles out. You can be with someone whom you know can understand you and what you are going through.
  • Take care of yourself. You have to eat right, rest, and sleep.


Remember that struggles you are going through will end eventually, so don’t give up. We also have Sample Personal Brand Statements in case you need them too.