When an accident or an incident occurs, usually an investigation is underway. The reason for such is that investigators want to solve the case and find out how and why an accident happened. Whenever something unfortunate happens to the victim for example the incident has cost a life or has seriously injured an individual then it is important to ask witnesses about what they saw or heard. Such accounts can be vital evidence that may help solve the case.

That being said, a witness statement form is provided to these individuals when interviewed or when tasked to write down what they witnessed. Investigators then use this form for analysis and evaluation to assist in their findings. To learn more about this form, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start working on this particular form, check out our free witness statement form samples that are available for download on this page.

10+ Witness Statement Form Samples

1. Employee & Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


2. Accident Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 422 KB


3. Workers Compensation Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


4. Voluntary Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


5. Bullying Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69 KB


6. Absentee Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


7. Sample Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 164 KB


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


9. Student Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


10. Victim & Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


11. Formal Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 4 KB


What Is a Witness Statement Form?

If you happen to witness a crime, or an incident it is your moral duty to help with the investigation. What you have seen or heard may play a big part in solving or aiding the case. A witness’s statement can either clear someone else’s name, add credibility to another individual’s statement, or may fix a dispute of some sort. Investigators and lawyers usually prepare a handy document called a witness statement form where details regarding the incident are recorded. A witness statement should be factual and state what was seen, heard, or felt by the person writing the statement.

Should the case be taken into court, they will ask you to prepare this document within a given time frame and it could be used as supporting evidence on the case. But as a general rule, you need to ask permission to present this document to a court or depending on the circumstances.

How To Complete a Witness Statement Form?

Being a witness can be a nerve-wracking experience especially if you need to recount what you have seen, heard, or felt leading up to a certain incident. Some people even feel traumatized and are unable to give a full account, this is why investigators must ensure these individuals are in a calm and collected situation where they are able to slowly remember what happened. Pressuring a witness may lead to false testimonies, so make sure they are given enough time to recollect their thoughts and put it into writing.

Take note that a witness statement form isn’t just used for court cases, or for police investigations. This in fact can be used when an incident occurs in a workplace or in schools. The importance of documenting a witness statement however small the incident may be can just be equally vital to court cases. To help you complete a witness statement form, you may find the following details in this document.

1. Court Details

If you are preparing a witness statement to be used in court, then you need to include the name of the court where the hearing will take place, the case number, and the date.

2. Witness Details

State the name of the full name of the witness and his or her address.

3. Names of the Parties

You need to also include the other names of the parties included in the case.

4. Workplace Witness Statement

For a work-related witness statement, it is important to identify the employee aside from his or her name. So the designation, contact details, and even age could be written down on this document.

5. Witness Statement

The main body of the document is where the witnesses record or write down what they have seen, felt, and heard during the incident. These could be moments leading up to what happened; when it happened; or after it happened. Or if the witness was there the entire time. If needed in court, the format should be in numbered paragraphs on numbered pages.

6. Ending Statement

After the evidence has been written down, the last portion should include a statement stating ‘I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.’

Right after that, the witness affixes their signature and the date.


What happens if you give a false statement?

Giving out a false statement is a crime of perjury and you may be imprisoned for a number of years.

Can a witness refuse to testify?

In a criminal case, if the witness refuses to cooperate and testify then they could be liable in contempt of court. Being in contempt could result in jail time and/or a fine.

What is a Sworn Statement?

A sworn statement is a document that is from a witness of a case, it recites that all content is true and is aware that the penalty of perjury may take place if they do not tell the truth.

A witness statement form is a valuable document that is used in many ways, especially if there is a need to help solve a case or an investigation. It may hold the key that can help victims as well. To make it easier for you to create this document, don’t forget to download our free templates above!