It is hard to avoid any work-related incidents such as near-miss, physical injuries, harassment, overexertion, and many others. If you are an employee, you are bound to experience this or maybe be a witness to such unpleasant events. Once an incident occurs, the next step to the process is to investigate the matter which is usually handled by proper authorities and the HR department. And part of this investigation is to record the statement from each employee or whoever has fallen victim to the incident. Or even any witnesses for that matter. This document is called a workplace incident statement or the longer and more comprehensive version of such is called an incident report. Learn and read more about this below and if you need any help as you work on that incident statement, then check out free workplace incident statement samples made available for download on this page.

10+ Workplace Incident Statement Samples

1. Workplace Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


2. Workplace Violence Incident Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 239 KB


3. Workplace Incident Policy Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 198 KB


4. Workplace Incident Report Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


5. Workplace Violence Incident Report Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127 KB


6. Campus Workplace Incident Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 181 KB


7. Sample Workplace Incident Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


8. Workplace Harassment Incident Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 225 KB


9. Workplace Incident Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


10. Standard Workplace Incident Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 756 KB


11. Workplace Incident Investigation Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 477 KB


What Is a Workplace Incident Statement Sample?

Another meaning for the word statement is an official account of certain facts, views, or even plans. In this case, a workplace incident statement is an account of an unfortunate circumstance that has taken place within office premises. Employees are not limited to experiencing such events, even visitors or clients are susceptible to such adversity. But in order to make sure this would never happen again or to lessen any damages, investigations are often launched to get to the core of the problem. And this will help management think of better ways or create policies to ensure the health and safety of their business environment. But before all these could happen, one important document that could assist with the investigation is a workplace incident statement, this will help investigators better understand what happened before, during, and after the incident.

How To Write An Workplace Incident Statement?

No matter how minor or even a near-miss an incident may be, as long as it presents a danger to employees or anyone for that matter then this must be dealt with accordingly. Any illness or injury that impacts an employee’s ability to work must be noted. The specifics of what is required by law to be included in an incident statement or report will vary depending on the federal or provincial legislation that affects your workplace. Companies must seriously practice recording accounts from their employees whenever an incident occurs, aside from an investigation these particular documents could be used in case legal matters intervene. Now, there is no formal way to write a workplace incident statement, and each company may have its own way of producing one. Yet, let us discuss the basic elements that are commonly found in this incident statement.

I. Basic Details

Start with the basic details of those who were involved, such as the victim(s), witnesses if any and if there was an assailant involved don’t forget to include those details as well. Details would include the names, work position, contact details and etc.

II. Incident Details

Information such as the date, location, and time of the incident must be included in the statement so investigators will be able to draw a timeline of events.

III. Body Of the Incident Statement

The body of the incident statement is the crucial stage. Here you will outline create an outline of the sequence of events that have transpired that lead to the incident or accident. Remember to stay calm and collected while you prepare this part of the statement. This perhaps may be the break investigators are looking for to help close the case.

IV. Actions Taken

It is vital to include what actions were taken of those involved during and after the time of the incident. This will help investigators understand what happened, or did an error occurred that led to the accident and what was done to contain it.

V. Damages and Treatment

It should also specify any damages and or injuries that have been sustained by those involved and was there any treatment administered. This kind of information can be used to analyze to develop corrective actions to determine if any items should be repaired or replaced, or that certain individuals should be reprimanded.

VI. Analyze and Reflect

Make sure to thoroughly analyze the incident statement you have written, and that you have managed to truthfully include every single detail regarding the incident. Reflect on what you have written ensuring that you have not missed anything or withheld any information that is vital to the incident investigation.


What Is a Corrective Action Plan?

These recommendations are meant to reduce the possibility of a continued issue or recurrence of an incident.

Are Incident Investigations Important?

Incident investigations are launched in order to determine the root cause of the incident. With that, corrective actions are then recommended in order that similar incidents don’t occur in the future.

What Is A Workplace Incident?

This is an event that exposes a worker or any other person to a serious risk to that person’s health or safety, and it requires the relevant health and safety regulator to be notified.

A workplace incident statement may contain vital information that could help solve or develop corrective action plans that would prevent any sort of incidents that may damage or worst case threaten the lives of employees and other innocent individuals. We’ve got a comprehensive set of sample templates on this page that will help you prepare an effective incident statement, so go ahead and check it out.