It takes a lot of hard work and time in tracking down all of your finances within a year. There are a lot of things that you need to do and keep track of, like your how much has been spent and what has been earned. Companies also need to track their finances so that they can determine if the company has gained some or lost some. Well, nobody likes to do this tedious task. The good thing is that there are already tools that can help one easily keep track of their finances within a year and these tools are called yearly income statements.
Featured in this article are 9+ yearly income statement samples and templates that will truly be helpful whether you need a reference for tracking down your own yearly income or if you need a tool to actually record your finances for the given year. They are also easy to use so you don’t have to worry about learning something complex. Yearly income statements are very useful, especially in a business. Continue reading below to learn more about it. You may also see expense statement templates.
Yearly Income Statement Sample
Free Blank Template of Yearly income Statement in Excel
Income Statement Template for a Small Business
What Is a Yearly Income Statement?
There are many kinds of financial statement that are used to present different and specific types of data for analysis. One of them is a yearly income statement. A yearly income statement shows the amount of money a company or organization has lost and the amount of money they have earned over a specific year. That is why it is also called a profit and loss statement. Aside from showing a company’s earnings and expenses, it also shows the details of how a company’s revenues are turned into their net income.
There are two methods to which an income statement can be prepared and they are the single step income statement and the multi-step income statement. The single step income statement is the simpler approach between the two methods. It works just like a net worth calculator, where after adding all the revenues of a company their expenses are then subtracted to get the annual income. The multi-step income statement, on the other hand, involves several other steps, like getting the gross profit, the operating expenses, etc.
Other than determining the earnings and expenses of a company or organization over a year, a yearly income statement should also help determine the past financial condition or performance of a company or organization, as well as help in predicting their future actions and performance. It is also used as a basis whether a company or organization can still survive in the future and generate more income in the future. You may also like sample financial statement forms.
Uses of a Yearly Income Statement Samples and Templates
A lot of people don’t know how yearly income statement works and more are not even aware of it. If this is the case, then a lot of people probably don’t know what yearly income statements samples and templates are used for. So here is a quick list of the uses of a yearly income statement samples and templates that you need to be aware.
- Yearly income statement samples are very helpful when one is trying to learn or understand what a yearly income statement is. It is proven to be very useful especially in educating students about what it is and how it looks like. This is because a lot of people are visual learners and it is not easy to study a lot of numbers by imagining where they are in a document.
- It can also be used as a guide for someone who is trying to make a yearly annual statement or a reference when they are confused about something or curious about what is in it. This is because most of the samples available online are the ones that can be easily understood so that it can be used to foster learning.
- Yearly income statement templates provide an easy and convenient way to calculate an individual’s or a company’s finances within a year because the template already has the formula needed for the calculations programmed into the template sheet.
- It is also the best way to store relevant data and at the same time keep track of them until the day of the financial reporting.
- Some templates provide instructions on how it can be used easily and ensure that the results provided are correct.
- With the use of a yearly income statement, you will be able to see for yourself how much you have earned and how much you have spent over the period of one year without going through any hassle or without consulting a professional.
- It also helps you realize how you earned such income amount and how you spent your income on things that may be necessary or unnecessary.
You may visit our website to learn more about other statement-related topics, like sworn statement templates, personal financial statement samples, and templates, and billing statement samples and templates, to name a few.
Company Yearly Income Statement
Sample Income Statement in Excel
Yearly Profit and Loss Statement Template
Income and Expenditure Year Ending
Net Farm Income Statement Sample
Annual Pro Forma Income Statement
Simple Annual Income Statement Template
What Are the Major Components of an Income Statement?
To further understand income statements, you should have the knowledge about its components or the things that are required in order to build and provide one that is complete and reliable. Below is a list of the major components of an income statement that you should know of.
1. Revenue
It is the earnings of an entity or the money that an entity acquired through the sale of their goods and services. It is placed on top of an income statement, that is why it is also referred to as a top line.
2. Gross Profit
The formula needed to come up with the gross profit of an entity is derived from subtracting the cost of the goods that were sold from their revenue or earnings.
3. Operating Expenses
These expenses are those that an entity or business has spent on to keep the business running and functional. Operating expenses include research, marketing, and development, patents, taxes, fees, etc.
4. Cost of Goods Sold
It refers directly to the actual amount of the goods that are being sold by an entity or a business, which includes labor and materials.
5. Operating Income
The operating income is derived by adding the total cost of the goods and the total operating expenses and then subtracting the result from the revenue or earnings of the entity or business.
6. Other Income/Expenses
These are the list of other things that make up the income and expenses of an entity or business.
7. Profits
If revenues are referred to as the top line, profits are then referred to as the bottom line because they appear at the bottom of an income statement or report.
Other statement samples and templates available for you to browse and download on our website are legal statement samples and templates, sample traditional income statements, and pro forma income statements.