Before working on a project, the team leader, project development officer or project manager needs to plan the project in various stages. Each stage involves crucial roles of different teams that would work on the Project Timeline. A Storyboard is nothing but a simple representation of the plan for concluding the project in a systematic way. It includes both visuals and texts. It helps the team to understand their job roles, and it also omits chances for any confusion at the later stages. Use storyboard examples to make flawless storyboards.

Animation Storyboard Sample

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Size: 267 KB


An animated film has been developed over step by step planning. A full team of animators may get involved in creating a movie. To set a common guideline, creating storyboard is important. It makes the job easier and omits chances for confusions.

Army Storyboard Sample

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Size: 2 MB


This is a sample for an army storyboard. Using this will help the army officials or commanders to create seamless and accurate storyboards that can make instructions for the troops easy to understand.

Blank Storyboard Sample

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Size: 21 KB


This is a sample for a blank storyboard, which can simply be used for creating storyboards for any purpose. Available in PDF format, this template takes a few seconds to be downloaded and it is easily printable too.

Campaign Storyboard Sample

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Size: 10 KB


Running a campaign is an extensive process, and different individuals or teams have vital roles to play in managing as well as running campaigns. To create campaign storyboard, you can use this template.

Business Plan Storyboard

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Size: 90 KB


A business plan needs lucidity so that it can be easily understood by the investors or possible business partners. For that purpose, this storyboard sample can be used. Creating a simple storyboard for business plan will help the plan to become easy to be understood.

Sample Multimedia Storyboard

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Size: 10 KB


This multimedia storyboard template can be used for creating graphic representations of the development process of a multimedia application. Developers can use this storyboard sample to create a flawless storyboard for their teams.

Commercial Storyboard Sample

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Size: 203 KB


Commercial storyboard template can be used for representing a business plan or business idea. It can also be used for creating a business marketing campaign or to represent business development process.

Children’s Storyboard Sample

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Size: 5 MB


Children’s need to learn the art of creating storyboards, and for them this template is just perfect. This PDF version template is easy to be downloaded as well as printed.

Sample Digital Storyboard

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  • DOCX

Size: 12 KB


Create a unique and flawless digital storyboard with this sample PDF file. Download the template and make customization, if required. Now, all you need to do, is to print the file to have your own storyboard.

Sample Documentary Storyboard

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  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


Before working on a documentary film, it is important to create a storyboard. For that, this sample can be used effectively. Download the PDF file and print it to get an instant storyboard.

Film Storyboard Sample

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Size: 50 KB


Film makers have to create storyboards for making a film. It helps them to follow step by step details for creating a film. Also, the storyboard works as a simple visual instruction for the whole team which is working for the film.

Game Storyboard for Kids

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  • PDF

Size: 423 KB


Kids need to learn to create storyboards for managing their homework or other school projects. This sample is perfect for them from this regard. Use this template to help your kids to create awesome storyboards.

Graphic Storyboard Organizer

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Size: 35 KB


Graphic designers need to create storyboards for managing expensive projects, which are probably managed by various teams of graphic designers. Creating a storyboard right at the beginning of a project helpsin omitting confusions and induces better communication between the graphic design teams.

Cartoon/Animation Storyboard Sheet

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Size: 655 KB


Carton or animation film makers create storyboard for the project to set clear instructions for the teams. Visual storyboards help individuals or teams to understand their roles in a better perspective.

Television Commercial Storyboard

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  • PDF

Size: 430 KB


Production manager or directors can use this storyboard template for creating their television advertising films. Available in PDF format, this storyboard is simple to be downloaded and easy to be printed.

Sample Advertising Storyboard

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Size: 433 KB


For advertising or business promotional campaigns, vision is needed from senior project manager. To share your vision with the team, you can use this seamless sample for creating advertising storyboard.

Book Trailer Storyboard

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Size: 31 KB


Writers can use this storybook to conserve their vision for writing a book. A book is written in different stages and the main idea or purpose of the book may deviate if the storyboard is not created.

Sample Online Storyboard

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Size: 20 KB


If you are looking for creating a simple and effective online based storyboard for your team of employees, then using this sample will serve your purpose and will saves your time.

Sample Professional Storyboard

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  • DOCX

Size: 15 KB


This template can be used by professionals who want to create storyboards for better project management. Using the template is simple, and it helps in saving precious time for project development.

Project Storyboard Sample

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  • DOCX

Size: 8 KB


A project should be separated in various phases, and project developer or manager need proper vision on how to carry out the project systematically. You can share your vision through this storyboard template.

Production Storyboard Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 324 KB


For film or movie production, storyboard is required so that members in the production team can understand their job roles with precision. You can use this free downloadable sample for creating such storyboards.

Standard Storyboard Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


This is a sample of standard storyboard template. It can be used by animators, film directors, projects managers or anyone else. Download the PDF file and print it to use the sample to create your storyboard.

Sample Infomercial Storyboard

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  • PDF

Size: 460 KB


You can download this sample infomercial storyboard template online easily, and use it for creating professional as well as accurate storyboard. This sample is suitable for everyone, including animators, film directors, etc.

What are the Needs or Purposes of Creating Storyboards?

Storyboards are developed to share visions with others. For example, you can use website Storyboard Template for creating a website. Now, creating a website, especially a professional website, is not an easy thing. It involves different groups of workers. There will be graphic designers who will create the website layout. There will be coders or programmers who shall create a framework for the website. There shall be a team for testing performance of the website.

To maintain better coordination between such teams of employees, storyboards are required to be created. Through graphic elements and plain texts, storyboard shares the idea of the project manager. It helps the teams to understand their job roles, and also it brings better coordination between various teams of employees. Majorly, storyboards are created by animators, filmmakers, graphic or web designers, etc. However, uses of storyboard can be extensive. In corporate business sector, storyboards are used for accomplishing projects with flawlessness.

How to Make a Storyboard?

Though everyone understands the importance of creating storyboards, but only a few people know the real art of crafting perfect storyboards. Making a storyboard is a step by step method, and your approach is crucial. This is not a job that you can do in a rush. You have to take out enough time from your busy schedule to focus on the job of creating storyboards. To make a storyboard, first you need is a blank sheet.

Now, you need to create blank slides or blocks on the paper. Slides should have two parts. One part is for visuals or for drawing elements, while other part should be for adding text. Typically, a storyboard should not include long descriptive texts. Visuals will illustrate the details and texts shall be added as guidelines. The best way to create a storyboard with lesser hassles and within lesser time is by downloading some templates from the web.

What are the Benefits of Creating Storyboards?

Creating storyboards is beneficial from many aspects. Mainly project managers or team leaders need to create storyboards to depict their vision for carrying out a project. Before creating storyboards, managers or team leaders take ideas from the team on how to work on a project. Based on the ideas, they visualize a project life cycle. The storyboard should ideally reflect their visualizations exactly.

Here are Some of the Benefits of Creating Storyboards:

Sharing visualization: It is often not easy to depict your visualization in concrete words. Storyboard includes both texts and graphic elements. As a result, it becomes easier to depict or illustrate ideas through them with ease.

Good Coordination: The projects that need to be carried out in different phases can be better managed with storyboards. It helps in establishing a better communication between different teams.

Time Saving: Once the storyboard is created, managing projects or carrying out the projects becomes easy and time saving.

Helpful Tips for Creating Storyboards

Creating a storyboard is always a difficult task, and veteran project managers only know how to do the job in professional style. For creating storyboards, you need to be careful with a few things. To make your storyboard better, you can follow the tips that are provided below:

Lesser Texts: You need to show more through visual rather than writing plain texts. When it comes to sharing vision, text content is not the right thing to be used. Maximize presence of visual content in your storyboard.

Maintain Coherency: A good storyboard should maintain coherency. Each slide should have some relationship with earlier slide and also probably with the next slide.

Thematic Approach: Choosing a theme for creating storyboard is a good approach. It makes the storyboard more attractive, interactive and interesting.

Clear Instruction: Storyboard should come with clear instructions. Make it sure that instructions you add should be perfect and easy to be understood.

Why Should you use Storyboard Samples?

For creating effectual and attractive storyboards, many people use templates or samples that are easily available online. All you need to do is just download them from the web. Most of the sample come with PDF file format. It takes only a few seconds to download them, provided you have a steady internet connection. Once downloaded, they need to be printed and then add your text on them to complete the storyboard. Using samples or templates saves time drastically.

The job of creating storyboards is tiring and it can get daunting. You should be careful with the job and step by step approach is required. If the storyboard is not created in the right way, it shall not depict your vision properly. As a consequence, the end result would not be satisfactory. To get what you exactly want from your team, as a project manager or team leader you need to come up with seamless storyboards. Templates should be used to enhance accuracy of storyboard.

Who Needs to Develop a Storyboard?

A storyboard needs to be developed by those who have to conclude a project in a team. Generally, it is the job of project manager or team leader to create the storyboard. Before starting a project, you need to visualize the stages of developing the project. A storyboard shall reflect your ideas or visions for the project with perfection. It must depict how the team needs to carry out the project. It also helps in keeping track of the project status. Generally, film makers and animators create storyboards before starting work on a project.

This is a common practice, as storyboard helps to complete the job with precision. Creative arts or advertising campaign managing teams also need storyboard to carry out the job systematically. Writers should create their own unique storyboards, so that they can follow the vision or motto of writing throughout the book properly. Students also need to create storyboards for managing their assignments in their team.

In order to create storyboards with perfection, you can choose to download sample storyboard sheets online. Using the templates helps complete the job with more effectiveness. It also aids in saving time and gives high quality results.

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