Church surveys are necessary, in a normal condition they are more like an appraisal where churches try to figure out their performance and want to the devotees who are regularly coming to church. Many churches also conduct these Survey Report Templates in order to figure out about the further topics of the surveys and how they can go about it or what should be the right order to call upon speakers at a given point in a season.

Church survey templates are easy to find on the internet, they are available in word, excel and PDF formats. You can pick up a format of your choice. If you are going to a printed form then PDF is the best format. If you are willing to come out with results then an excel format can help you in this.

Sample Church Survey Template

sample church survey template

File Format

Size: A4, US


Catholic Church Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


Time and Talent Church Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Healthy Church Survey Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


Natural Church Development Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 626 KB


Transformational Church Survey Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Format of Church Membership Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


Sample Church Safety Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Church Feedback Survey Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


What is a Survey? The Reason Behind Conducting Surveys?

Surveys are set of questionnaires created specially keeping in mind with the kind of service provider you are, or the kind of business you do. They are created for connecting with the customers or with the people using your service. They provide you with proper insight regarding the mindset of people, as why do they like or dislike your services or product. Surveys can be conducted through various ways, they are:

  • Face to face questioning Through printed pamphlets or leaflets.
  • Chatting over phone.
  • Through internet.

Use of Church Surveys Templates and its Types.

Church surveys are conducted for gaining the information regarding the satisfaction level of its members and what betterment can be done according to their needs. It is done to bring in new members and donors, for identifying volunteers. The templates are highly professional, designed by our experts for meeting your requirement in various fields. Just browse through our collection and choose the one you want to use.

The templates are filled with necessary questionnaires, but you can customize and add more questions for personalizing it and for increasing its importance. There can be various types of church templates owing to the wide range of issues and topics, few examples are:

Template for planned events and meetings. To gather information as how your last planned event at church went with the members.

  • Template for raised funds. For gathering information regarding your donors, their likings and their willingness to donate.
  • Template for volunteer organizing. For identifying volunteers among members for organizing events and meetings.
  • Templates for demographic information. For gathering basic information of the members, and about their willingness to refer others for membership in your church.

How to Create a Perfect Questionnaire for your Church Survey?

The tips needed to frame a proper survey are as follows: Make the question very easily understood . Do not stretch and make the questionnaire short. Use the option of multiple choice questions.. Frame interesting questions. You can frame scaling questions. Frame open ended questions.

Use these tips, create a survey which is unbiased and see the power of survey.

 For giving a new dimension to your spiritual community, download the church survey templates and begin your survey and see the effect it brings.

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