The COVID-19 pandemic has affected even the most powerful countries around the globe. Sparking hard lockdowns affecting not only the business sector but almost every organization except for hospitals and such. Our daily and normal lives have been governed by restrictions even to this day, where the virus continuously would evolve into different kinds of variants. Although countries across the world are trying to return back to normal, the threat of the virus is still there. And different levels of restrictions are still imposed.

Gathering information and data is one of the most essential components in battling Covid. During the height of the pandemic, COVID-19 surveys and questionnaires are often routed around the public. Surveys often contain valuable insights that may help researchers or organizations try to come up with measures to lessen the impact of the virus on the general public. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. If you need help preparing this survey, check out our free COVID-19 survey samples that are downloadable on this page.

10+ COVID-19 Survey Samples

1. COVID-19 Household Pulse Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


2. COVID-19 Student Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 MB


3. COVID-19 Support Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 243 KB


4. COVID-19 Faculty Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 195 KB


5. COVID-19 Community Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


6. COVID-19 Vaccination Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 253 KB


7. COVID-19 Survey Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. COVID-19 Community Impact Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 292 KB


9. COVID-19 Parent Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 662 KB


10. COVID-19 Employer Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


11. COVID-19 Restaurant Impact Survey

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 MB


What is a COVID-19 Survey?

Surveys are used for a number of reasons, often for research and data collection. Depending on the purpose, specific groups of people are often targeted to answer these surveys. Personal opinion, insights, and other important information are often collected from these documents that may give recommendations to the survey’s initial purpose. When the pandemic took its turn for the worst, scientists, medical professionals, government agencies, and researchers were overwhelmed by its impact on society. It was a constant race against time on how protocols should be sanctioned, how to train medical staff, and information was needed from the public on how the pandemic impacted their lives, both physically and mentally.

This is why COVID-19 surveys were conducted all around, private and public organizations want to understand the effects of the pandemic on society for various reasons. These surveys can be just about anything related to the COVID virus. But more importantly, it is prepared to help study the pandemic’s impact in all manner, from business organizations, schools, and people’s lives in general.

How To Prepare a COVID-19 Survey

Studies show that conducting surveys can be useful for research and collecting data, which are valuable in many ways. First-hand accounts, opinions, suggestions, and insights often create a difference which can help in creating important decisions. When the pandemic hit, the world was not prepared as this was something entirely new to all of us. So with the help of the general public, all possible information given was treated with importance. So if you need to prepare a survey for your organization, here are several tips that may help you.

I. Goal and Purpose

First, identify the reason why you are about to create this survey. What are you hoping to gain in the process? Set up goals so you will have something to focus on, as this too will be the determining factor on how you intend to present the questions in the survey.

II. Target Audience

Determining your target audience is important because this helps in the distribution process. For example, you need insights on the social impact of covid in individual households, So in order for you to find your target audience, you need to approach families.

III. Preparing the Questions

There are various ways to present your survey questions. The most common ones used are as follows.

  • Open and closed-ended questions
  • Nominal questions are presented where respondents are given multiple answers choices
  • Rating scale
  • Demographic questions

IV. Channels of Distributions

Nowadays online surveys are commonly used since it is faster, convenient and you are able to reach a large target audience. Although, handing out surveys in public is also a better alternative since you can also speak to your respondents in the process and explain to them what the survey is all about. Other methods include sending surveys via mail, e-mail or through telephone calls.

V. Use Easy to Understand Statements and Questions

Make sure that the words you use on your questionnaires are easy to understand and direct to the point. Remember this is a survey where people voluntarily give a little of their time to answer your question, and it’s not an exam.

VI. Incentives

Although not mandatory, sometimes incentives and giveaways is an effective way to entice people to answer the survey. The incentives need not be grand, but little things like a 5% discount, coupon, or free one-hour use of the wifi.


What is a Survey Research?

This is the method of conducting research through surveys. This involves collecting data from specific individuals through their responses to questions.

What are Surveys good for?

Surveys are good for data collection and have been used on many occasions. This would help researchers investigate and understand the behavior, characteristics, and opinions of a group of people.

Is permission needed to use a Survey?

Since data from certain individuals are collected from surveys, then yes it is required to locate and follow usage permissions.

The covid pandemic has impacted our lives in many different ways, as we have lost loved ones, caused businesses to shut down, people lost their jobs, and many others. With the help of a COVID-19 survey, investigators and other agencies are trying their best to gather the information that may help society try to adapt to these changing times.