10+ Training Needs Assessment Survey Samples

Training Needs Assessment (TNA) helps you be aware of the necessary and essential things that are needed during training. Giving your employees trainings makes them grow professionally and would do a great benefit for your company, contributing to achieving your branding. Is is also very important to have your training needs assessment evaluated and surveyed to the experts to have an idea about what is really needed in the training. The survey should be done to people who are in the field as well because they know the situation better than those in the higher offices. In making this training needs assessment survey, you may want to avail our free and available templates to ease you the burden of making one. Browse through these templates and choose the one that satisfies your needs the most. Customize the template of your choice according to your preferences.

For other survey needs, our site is also offering you templates such as Business-Business Market Survey, Customer Perception Survey, Survey Questionnaire, Executive Summary Survey Report, Community Data Survey Report, Building Survey, School Survey, Student Survey, Survey Analysis Report and Survey Result templates. This article will not only offer you free and customizable templates but also give you information and details that are needed to make your survey. So come on, read the rest of the article with me!

1. Management Training Needs Assessment Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 211 KB


2. Employer Training Needs Assessment Survey

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  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


3. Health Training Needs Assessment Survey

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  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


4. Enterprise Training Needs Assessment Survey

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  • PDF

Size: 806 KB


5. IT Training Needs Assessment Survey

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  • PDF

Size: 148 KB


6. Project Training Needs Assessment Survey

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  • PDF

Size: 465 KB


7. Training Needs Assessment Survey Results

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  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


8. Training Needs Assessment Survey Summary

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Size: 105 KB


9. Training Needs Assessment Survey Questionnaire

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  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


10. Technician Training Needs Assessment Survey

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 251 KB


11. Training Case Study Needs Assessment Survey

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 24 KB


What Is A Training Needs Assessment?

A training needs assessment identifies individuals’ current level of competency, skill or knowledge in one or more areas and compares that competency level to the required competency standard established for their positions or other positions within the organization.

What Are Needed To Be Considered In The Training Needs Assessment?

Considerations for the report and recommended training plans include:

  • What training is already being offered, and should it continue to be offered?
  • Will the training be conducted in-house or externally?
  • Does it make sense to bring in a trainer to train several employees on the same subject matter, rather than send everyone to an off-site training?
  • Does the company have the subject matter expertise within HR, the training department or another department to conduct the training?
  • Can and should the training be conducted online?
  • What is the learning style of the participants?
  • Are all participants at one location or multiple locations, or are they decentralized?

How To Identify The Gaps?

Interviews, surveys and polls are needed to be conducted in order to identify the gaps of each department involved. This way, there is a much accurate common details that will be gathered that could help in making the training decision. Other than the survey, there are also other methods on how to identify the gap or the problem, let’s look into these examples below.

  • HR Records – HR records can include accident and safety reports, job descriptions, job competencies, exit interviews, performance evaluations and other company records such as production, sales and cost records. For example, if a department has a dramatic increase in workplace accidents, then it would be important to review accident reports as part of the gap analysis prior to conducting safety training.
  • Individual Interview – Individual interviews may be conducted with employees, supervisors, senior managers and even sometimes clients/customers or outside vendors. If an organization is providing safety training, talking with the employees who not only had the accidents but also witnessed the accidents would be advisable.
  • Focus Group Discussions – Unlike individual interviews, using focus groups involves simultaneously questioning a number of individuals about training needs. Best results occur with a department or group of employees who have similar training needs. The participants brainstorm about all the training needs they can think of and write them on a flip chart. Then each person is provided perhaps five dots or sticky notes (employers should provide the number of dots or sticky notes that will work best for the organization).
  • Survey and Questionnaires- Surveys generally use a standardized format and can be done in writing, electronically or by phone. Depending on the situation, it may be helpful to conduct surveys with employees as well as with customers. When conducting a customer service training needs assessment, employers should ask employees what would help them provide better customer service. Employers should also obtain opinions from customers about their experiences with employees.

When Is Assessment Needed To Be Done?

Assessments can be conducted at any time but are often done after hiring, during performance reviews, when performance improvement is needed, for career development plans, for succession planning, or when changes in an organization also involve making necessary changes to employees’ jobs. It is beneficial to perform these assessments periodically to determine the training needs of an organization, employees’ knowledge and skills, and also training program effectiveness.


What should you ask during training needs analysis?

What Are Your Company’s Goals For The Year?

What Needs To Change In Your Company To Meet These Goals?

What Skills Do Your Staff Need?

What Skills Do Your Staff Currently Have?

What Knowledge Gaps Exist Within Your Team?

What are the three key areas that are considered accurate assessors to identify training needs?

Proficiency: the skill proficiency of employees

Frequency: employees’ frequency of using that skill

Applicability: how the level of employees’ skills applies and is tied to job performance

How to fix performance problem?

While training can help fix an individual performance problem, learning leaders need to conduct a performance analysis in order to pinpoint exactly what skill deficiency to address. This type of analysis might also investigate how the department, division, or the entire company is performing as a whole.

Making this survey might be an additional task to you but this is a need to conduct this in order to properly promote and implement continuous quality development among employees that could create a greater impact in the quality of products and services that your company is offering. So, it is very much encouraged to do this and to make this a lot more easier, avail the free and customizable resources that you can see online. What are you waiting for? Avail our free templates now!