As a fully-functioning human filled to the brim with numerous tasks and activities, it does not come as a surprise when we truly, ever forget something. This may be the result of endless household chores, work schedules, homework, and late night-out leisure. Writing a to-do list might not work out so well since there is a tendency that you might lose it at some point. This is why you need material where you can write down your day-to-day activities without losing it. In this article, we will provide you with information about task planners and how you can make your own with the few steps below. 

FREE 10+ Task Tracker

1. Daily Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 168 KB


2. Monthly Fundraising Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


3. Basic Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


4. Agriculture Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 280 KB


5. Week Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


6. Task Completion Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 114 KB


7. Task Tracker Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


8. Task Time Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 201 KB


9. Member Tasks Time Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 303 KB


10. Downline Task Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


11. Task Book Task Operational Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 171 KB


What Is a Task Planner?

A task planner is a type of task management tool, just like daily planners and weekly schedule forms, where an individual can itemize the activities they wish to accomplish. A task planner can be utilized daily, weekly, or on a monthly basis depending on the needs and preferences of the individual. Task planners are also important materials in businesses as they help a team prioritize tasks that are part of a bigger, complicated project plan

How to Create a Task Planner?

Are you in need of a task planner to help you focus on the things you need to achieve? Further below are some of the things that you need to consider when making your planner. 

1. Pick a Good Writing Material

The first thing you need to do is to get good writing material for your planner. One, recreate a notepad from old, unused notebooks. Not only can you express your creativity, but you also get to help nature breathe through recycling. Or, you can buy a new journal that is already designed for purposes like scheduling your day. But if you are the minimalist type and don’t want to bring anything around other than your phone, then it is advisable to get a template. A template is already preformatted and predesigned, plus you can store it on your mobile or computer, so you never have to worry about misplacing your notes at any time. 

2. Categorizing Your Activities

If you have many things going on in your life, then make it an opportunity to practice time management. Organize your tasks according to priority. Categories may include the nature of tasks, such as chores, assignments, work tasks, events, free time, travel, and other relevant activities that need to be done. From there, write three to five priority tasks per category so you don’t get overwhelmed when planning your day or week. For business projects, such as marketing, your can divide your categories into licensing, planning, implementation, processes, and so forth. 

3. Give a Timeline

After listing your tasks, the next step is to provide the timeline for each task. Give the exact time for when you want to start doing a task, and the end time to give you a definite count for when you are going to complete another activity. If you have any tasks that are pending or are not yet completed even after the first deadline you have set, you can carry them over to your next task list. 

4. Update Your Tracker every time

Monitor your progress by updating your tracker every time you checked out or completed a task from your to-do list. Knowing that you have accomplished a task within a given timeline makes it easier for you to perform other activities and eventually clear out your schedule before you know it. If you have done one task, then pick out another task from your master list that is yet to be accomplished.

Why should I get a task tracker?

A task tracker can help you organize your daily tasks and activities so you can be more focused on accomplishing your priorities. It also helps you stay away from distractions and decrease the chances to procrastinate and become unproductive.

How can a task tracker benefit our business team?

If you want to manage your time and monitor the efficiency of your team members in their respective tasks, then you will need a task tracker. Task trackers are beneficial to business teams because they can definitely help in tracking the progress of each team member in a project they are working on. It also aids the team manager in assigning tasks conveniently.

I want to share my task tracker with my family members. What is the best way to do so?

You can share your task tracker with family members by sending it to their e-mail addresses or through their social media accounts. But if you are living under the same roof, you can always print the task tracker and post it anywhere in your residence where you and your family can easily find it.

If you want to take charge of your productivity and attain good progress in everything that you do, then you better get yourself a task tracker. When you have it, you will never have to worry about forgetting your to-do notes or wasting your time over the day doing nothing. Download our editable and creative task planner templates today by checking out our samples in this article. 

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