Allocating one’s time efficiently can be a challenging responsibility. You have to weigh the different activities you need to do in order to know which activity to prioritize. To accomplish many tasks in a given period of time, making a timeline is a great method for budgeting one’s time. Using a timeline enables a person to organize and monitor the activities that should be accomplished.

Timeline infographics templates are the suitable templates for creating a general timeline. Should you want to avail our timeline templates, our website offers varied types of templates suitable for your needs. Browse through the website’s pages to see more of the templates’ details.

Project Timeline Templates in Word

Project Plan

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  • Doc

Size: 5 KB


Project Timeline Example

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Size: 5 KB


Sample Project Timeline

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Size: 5 KB


Wedding Timelines

Wedding Planning

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  • Doc

Size: 4 KB


Wedding Reception

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 5 KB


Wedding Day

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Why Are Timelines Important?

A timeline contains the list of activities with the corresponding time to accomplish the activity. It is arranged in a chronological order for convenient monitoring and tracking. Some timelines such as project timeline include the ways to complete the task and the progress of the task in their timeline specifications. Anyone can create a timeline as long as the purpose for creating it is to manage one’s time and complete a task in a given period.

A timeline is important because it helps a person manage one’s time. Nowadays, it’s more challenging to really budget our time because of the many distractions around us. Moreover, our tasks tend to pile up easily if we don’t attend to them directly. With that situation, a timeline comes in handy. You may use different kinds of timeline depending on the purpose. For example, if you’re in a business meeting and you’re assigned to present the upcoming events in the company, PowerPoint timeline is beneficial for your presentation. Through a PowerPoint timeline, you’re able to directly point out the activities that need to be prioritized and accomplished in a given period of time. Ultimately, using a timeline makes a person productive and efficient.

Event Timeline Templates in Doc

Event Planning

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Size: 4 KB


Sample Event Planning

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Size: 3 KB


Sample Event Timeline

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Size: 4 KB


Timeline for Every Project

A timeline comes in varied types depending on its usage. If you observe a sample timeline, you will see that the template being used is different from the other timeline templates. Some of the timeline templates being used in a project are as follows.

  • Project Timeline: The template used here consist of the project name, date, and activities to do. This timeline is useful for projects to be accomplished.
  • Wedding Planning Timeline: This timeline is suitable for wedding planners and soon-to-be-married-couples. Since a wedding preparation entails a lot of time and planning, tracking the appointments and activities months prior will give more preparation for the occasion.
  • Wedding Reception Timeline: It’s good to have a timeline on the actual wedding reception. This is to give an organized and joyful reception for the families, friends, and guests.
  • Wedding Day: Everything must be perfect on the wedding day, which is why a wedding day timeline is very useful. With the use of this timeline, the activities are carefully arranged and monitored by the wedding organizers.
  • Event Timeline: If you have an upcoming event, event planning timeline is beneficial for you. The template contains the time and tasks to be performed. Having an event timeline will help you track the tasks you need to finish in a corresponding time.
  • Activity Plan: This is a formal timeline used for any business projects. It comprises of the project title, project goal, annual objectives, measure of success, activities, team member assigned, and completion date.
  • Marketing Timeline Template: This timeline is dedicated for marketing activities. The template is composed of a program title, time period, actual date to be completed, tools and strategies to be used, assigned member and notes on progress.
  • PowerPoint Timeline: This timeline specifies the details of your PowerPoint presentation. It is a thorough overview of the subjects to be tackled on your presentation.

Activity Timeline Templates in Word

Activity Plan

activity plan

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Size: 5 KB


Marketing Activity

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Size: 3 KB


Project Activity

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 7 KB


How to Do a Timeline Template

To create a blank timeline templates, you may follow these simple steps.

  • Design: Choose a design that can cater to your preference. You may or may not follow the timeline examples. It’s all up to you. Be creative and systematic with your design. You are free to decide the pattern of it. Just make sure the design are neat.
  • Frames: Sketch frames for your timeline. Divide these frames depending on your desired number of boxes. You may allocate frames for the time period, actual date to be completed, tool and strategies to be used, and notes of progress. Make sure the frames are enough for all the activities you plan to do.
  • Proper Header: Indicate the headers for your timeline. These headers will act as your labels for easy tracking of your timeline.
  • Style and Color: Your style depends on your preference. Don’t create a too colorful timeline as it will make your timeline disorganized. Simply use colors to highlight the important part of your template, particularly the header part of your timeline.
  • Contents: Fill in the right contents on your timeline. Write the designated time together with the corresponding activities on your timeline for your tracking convenience. It’s better to write the contents ahead of time to avoid missing out some activities.

Marketing Timelines

Marketing Worksheet

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  • Doc

Size: 3 KB


Marketing Research

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 6 KB


Powerpoint Timelines

Powerpoint Worksheet

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 454 KB


Tips for Creating a Timeline

  • Free timeline templates: Before you can create a timeline, you should have the proper template first. For instance, when you’re making a timeline for a kid, timeline template for kids should be used as your template. Free templates are specifically available on our website, so you don’t have to worry if you still don’t own one. Just be sure to select the appropriate template for your timeline.
  • Create the frames: Create empty frames for your timeline since they will act as containers for the contents. These frames should fill out the four corners of your board or paper. The sizes of the frames depend on the label. For example, the activities section of your timeline will have bigger space and frames since you will write more words on the frame.
  • Label the headers: Having a header for your frames will help you to easily track your timeline. The headers should consist of time, activities or tasks to be done, progress, and deadline of the activity. See to it that the headers are readable.
  • Be detailed: In writing the contents of your timeline, make sure to specify them one by one. Avoid errors since you don’t want to miss out any important activity.

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