We spend most of our waking hours working. Spending 9 hours per working day in the office, so our colleagues are like non related family members and a workplace could be considered as a secondary home. Thus it is important that employees come in every day to a safe and positive social environment and have good working relationship with each other. But like most relationships, discord and harassment are bound to happen and some of these often go undetected.
Harassing are but not limited to offensive jokes, slurs, name-calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, discrimination, insults, offensive pictures, and many more. With this, it is crucial that once a complaint or report has been filed or you detect any maltreatment amongst the employees an investigation has to take place immediately. In this article, there are various sample templates that can help initiate and prepare for any work related harassment investigation.
10+ Workplace Harassment Investigation Samples
1. Workplace Harassment Investigation Sample
2. Sexual Workplace Harassment Investigation
3. Printable Workplace Harassment Investigation
4. Editable Workplace Harassment Investigation
5. Standard Workplace Harassment Investigation
6. Formal Workplace Harassment Investigation
7. Workplace Harassment Investigation Format
8. Professional Workplace Harassment Investigation
9. Workplace Harassment Investigation Report
10. Basic Workplace Harassment Investigation
11. General Workplace Harassment Investigation
What is Workplace Harassment?
This is a type of harassment that occurs when an employee or a group of employees display threatening or unlawful behavior. These can also happen amongst the company’s suppliers and customers. Most common are physical abuse, sexual harassment, cyberbullying, discrimination and verbal harassment.
How to Launch a Harassment Investigation?
Once a harassment incident report or complaint has been filed, the Human Resource Department or the dedicated team assigned for such issues has to undergo a series of steps to be able to efficiently address the situation on hand.
I. Talk to Both Parties
Talk and listen to both the complainant and the respondent to get the firsthand information and gather all statements, data and evidences to support his or her claim.
II. Written Report
All filed complaints must be documented, if possible soft and hard copies must be retained. Ensure that the report is completely detailed to provide the decision making parties with facts needed to help with the harassment investigation.
III. Review and Analyze
When all information has been gathered, discuss and analyze with the decision making team on the what precautionary measures should be implemented and carefully asses credibility of both parties. Review what company policies should be implemented on the case.
IV. Avoid Retaliation
In an on-going investigation, take steps to make sure that parties involved in the investigation will not be in any way retaliated against for participating or bringing up their complaints which are protected by the law. Regardless of rank, employees must understand their social responsibilities to help stop and prohibit retaliation.
V. Take Action
After an in-depth investigation, it is time to take corrective and preventive action in regards of the harassment investigation. Since harassments are considered sensitive issues, it is best to always consult a legal counsel.
What Conduct Is Considered Unlawful Workplace Harassment?
Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
What Is the Purpose of the Me Too Movement?
The Me Too movement helps to show survivors of sexual abuse that they are not alone. It also helps to improve awareness about sexual violence, showing just how widespread sexual harassment and assault really are. That these type of harassments are not just confined within the offices, but even at the own comforts of your home or in public recreational areas.
Is All Workplace Harassment Illegal?
No, not all workplace harassment are considered illegal. The laws enforced by EEOC do not prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious. For workplace harassment to be illegal, the conduct must either be severe (meaning very serious) or pervasive (meaning that it occurred frequently).
It may be completely impossible to eradicate a hostile working environment, abusive colleagues and customers alike. That is why every workplace bullying or harassment issue must be address in a quick, thorough and effective manner. This strengthens the reliability of a company and employees can depend on the organization they are connected to. Creating better opportunities, enhance performance and productivity.
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