Written warning template is a verdict informing the employees by the manager or from the teacher to the student that their misconduct is taken seriously and they might not be given a second chance if any other misconduct takes place from their end. These files are really handy in need for the human resource department of the company to maintain discipline and certain code of conduct in the organization and also a lesson for other staffs. You may also see warning letters.
The warning letter template can be downloaded in PDF, PSD and MS Word formats and opportunity to add extra details are also provided to the hiring and managing staff.

Download Written Warning Bundle
Written Warning Police
Police Department [Police Department Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]
Subject: Written Warning for [Violation Type]
To: [Recipient’s Full Name] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient’s Full Name],
This letter serves as a formal written warning regarding the incident that occurred on [Date of Incident] at approximately [Time of Incident] near [Location of Incident]. According to our findings, you were observed violating [Specific Law or Regulation], specifically related to [Detailed Description of the Violation].
This behavior is considered unacceptable and must be addressed immediately to ensure the safety and well-being of all community members. We urge you to adhere to all regulations and laws to prevent any future incidents.
Actions Required:
- Compliance with all traffic laws and regulations.
- Immediate correction of the behavior leading to this violation.
- Any additional corrective actions deemed necessary.
Failure to comply with these directives may result in further action, including but not limited to, fines, penalties, or legal proceedings.
Additional Information:
- [Any additional recommendations or information]
- Contact information for further inquiries or clarification: [Officer’s Name, Rank, Contact Information]
Please consider this letter a serious reminder of the importance of adhering to legal standards and community expectations. We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and your cooperation in ensuring a safer environment for everyone.
[Officer’s Name] [Rank] [Police Department] [Badge Number]

Written Warning for Sickness
XYZ Corporation
123 Business Rd.
Townsville, State, 78901
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
November 5, 2024
Subject: Written Warning for Excessive Absenteeism Due to Illness
To: John Doe
Senior Analyst
Data Analysis Department
Dear John,
This letter serves as a formal written warning regarding your attendance record, specifically related to excessive absenteeism due to illness. As documented, you have been absent on 8 occasions over the past 3 months, which significantly exceeds the typical usage of sick leave for positions at your level.
While we understand that health issues can arise, consistent absenteeism affects not only your performance but also the operations of your team and department. According to our attendance policy, which you acknowledged on January 15, 2024, we expect employees to maintain a regular attendance record and manage their health proactively to fulfill their job responsibilities.
Actions Required:
- Please ensure that any future sick leave is supported by a medical certificate, as per our company policy, especially in cases of absences exceeding two consecutive days.
- Engage with our Human Resources department to discuss any ongoing health issues. We may be able to provide accommodations or resources to assist you in managing your health and maintaining your attendance.
- Review our employee assistance programs, which might provide additional support for health issues that are impacting your work.
Failure to comply with these directives may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
This warning is intended to help you understand the seriousness of the situation and to encourage immediate improvement in your attendance. We value your contributions to the team and are hopeful that with the proper care and adjustments, you will reach an acceptable attendance level.
For further discussion or to address any health accommodations, please schedule a meeting with your supervisor or Human Resources by November 12, 2024.
Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
XYZ Corporation
(123) 456-7891
[email protected]

Final Written Warning
Acme Corp 123 Business Rd. Business City, CA 90210 November 5, 2024
John Doe 456 Employee Ln. Worktown, CA 90211
Subject: Final Written Warning
Dear John Doe,
This letter serves as a final written warning following the previous discussions regarding your performance and behavior at work. Despite repeated verbal and written warnings, there has not been sufficient improvement in the areas previously outlined.
Incident Description: On October 22, 2024, it was observed that you failed to adhere to our workplace safety protocols by not wearing the required personal protective equipment during your shift. This is a violation of our company policy, specifically the Health and Safety Code Section 3.1.
Previous Warnings:
- Verbal warning issued on September 15, 2024, for similar behavior.
- Written warning issued on October 1, 2024, detailing the need for immediate improvement.
Expectations Going Forward: To remain employed with Acme Corp, immediate and sustained corrective action is required. Specifically, we expect you to:
- Adhere strictly to all workplace safety guidelines without exception.
- Attend a safety training session scheduled for November 12, 2024, and demonstrate comprehension of the material.
Please understand that failure to meet these expectations or any further violations of company policies may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Acknowledgment: Please sign and date this letter as acknowledgment of receipt and understanding. Signing this document does not necessarily indicate that you agree with its contents but confirms that you have been informed of the issues and the expectations set forth.
Employee Signature: [Space for signature]
Date: [Space for date]
Supervisor/HR Representative Signature (if applicable): [Space for signature]
Date: [Space for date]
If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this warning or the expectations set forth, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
Acme Corp [email protected]

Written Warning at Work
Widget Enterprises 400 Industry Way Techville, TX 78701 November 5, 2024
John Doe 789 Employee Drive Techtown, TX 78702
Subject: Written Warning
Dear John Doe,
This letter is to serve as a formal written warning in response to the incident on October 30, 2024, which constitutes a breach of company policy. It has been noted that you were repeatedly late to work without proper notification, which is in violation of our Time Management Policy.
Description of Incident: On October 30, 2024, you arrived at work 45 minutes late without prior notification or acceptable reason. This behavior disrupts the workflow and affects team productivity.
Previous Discussions: This issue was previously discussed with you on October 15, 2024, when you were given an opportunity to correct your behavior/actions.
Expectations Going Forward: We value your contributions to the team; however, it is essential that you adhere to the company policies and standards. We expect you to:
- Arrive at work on time, as scheduled.
- Inform your supervisor at least 30 minutes in advance if you anticipate being late.
Failure to meet these expectations or any further violation of company policies may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Acknowledgment: Please sign and date this letter below to acknowledge your receipt and understanding of this warning. Signing this does not signify agreement with the contents, but it does acknowledge that you have been informed of your misconduct and the company’s expectations.
Employee’s Signature: [Space for signature]
Date: [Space for date]
Supervisor/HR Representative Signature: [Space for signature]
Date: [Space for date]
We trust you will take this warning seriously and make the necessary changes. If you have any questions or need clarification about what is expected of you, please feel free to reach out to your supervisor or HR department.
Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
Widget Enterprises

Browse More Templates On Written Warning
Written Warning Discipline Notice
Written Warning Form PDF
Written Warning Form
Purpose of a Written Warning

- Documentation: A written warning provides formal documentation of the employee’s behavior or performance issues, establishing a record that may be used in future employment decisions.
- Clarity: It clearly communicates to the employee what the issue is, offering specific examples of what behavior or performance has not met expectations. You can also see more on Warning Letter for Bad Behavior.
- Guidance: The warning serves as a tool to guide the employee on what needs to be corrected, including clear expectations and steps for improvement.
- Opportunity for Correction: It gives the employee a chance to correct the behavior or performance issues before more severe consequences are considered, such as termination.
- Legal Protection: By documenting the steps taken to address workplace issues, a written warning can help protect the company against potential legal claims from employees claiming unfair dismissal or treatment.
- Consistency: It helps ensure consistency in how disciplinary actions are handled within the company, making sure that similar incidents are addressed in similar ways across the organization.
- Accountability: The warning holds the employee accountable for their actions and the impact of their behavior on the team or company. You can also see more on Employee Warning Notice.
- Professional Development: By identifying areas of weakness, a written warning can be a step towards professional growth and development, helping the employee to achieve their potential within the company.
Written Warning for Misconduct
Written Warning for Attendance
Employee Written Warning
Written Warning Appeals Form
How to Warn an Employee?

- Prepare and Document:
- Gather all relevant information, documentation, and examples of the behavior or performance issues that need addressing. Having clear facts and instances can help you articulate the problem more effectively and avoid any ambiguity. You can also see more on Tenancy Notice.
- Choose the Right Setting:
- Arrange a private meeting in a quiet, neutral space where the conversation can occur without interruptions. This respects the employee’s privacy and minimizes embarrassment or defensiveness.
- Be Clear and Specific:
- Clearly state the purpose of the warning at the beginning of the conversation. Detail the specific behavior or performance issues, and provide concrete examples. It’s important that the employee understands exactly what aspects of their performance or behavior are problematic.
- Focus on the Impact:
- Discuss the impact of their behavior or performance on the team, the project, or the company. This helps the employee understand the seriousness of the issue and why it necessitates a warning.
- Offer Support and Set Expectations:
- Provide guidance on how the employee can improve, including any resources or support from the company. Set clear expectations for what changes need to be made and establish a timeline for these improvements. Finally, outline the consequences if the situation does not improve, ensuring the employee understands the seriousness of the warning. You can also see more on Employee Termination Letter.
Written Warning Letter
First Written Warning
Tips for Giving Written Warning to Employees
- Be Timely: Address issues as soon as they arise. Delaying a warning can send the message that the behavior or performance is acceptable. You can also see more on Verbal Warning.
- Keep it Professional: Focus on the facts and avoid emotional language. The tone should be formal, respectful, and impartial.
- Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state the reason for the warning, specific examples of the problematic behavior or performance, and the relevant company policies that have been violated.
- Outline Expectations: Clearly specify what changes are expected in the employee’s behavior or performance, and provide a realistic timeline for these changes to be implemented.
- Offer Support: Indicate any resources the company can provide to help the employee improve, such as training, counseling, or more frequent feedback sessions.
- Set Specific Outcomes: Define the consequences of failing to improve within the specified timeframe. This could include further disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
- Encourage Dialogue: Allow the employee to express their side of the story during the warning process. This can help them feel heard and can provide important context for their behavior.
- Document Everything: Ensure that the warning is documented in writing and that both parties sign the document to acknowledge understanding and receipt. Keep this documentation in the employee’s personnel file for future reference. You can also see more on Notice Letter.
Written Warning
Written Warning Sample
employers.orgIs a written warning serious?
Yes, a written warning is serious. It signals that the employee’s behavior or performance is unsatisfactory, and improvement is mandatory to avoid further disciplinary actions, including potential termination.
How many written warnings do you get before dismissal?
The number of written warnings before dismissal can vary by company policy. Typically, an employee might receive one to three warnings, depending on the severity and frequency of the issues.
What is the effect of a written warning?
A written warning can lead to heightened scrutiny of the employee’s performance or behavior. It serves as a formal record that might impact future employment opportunities, raises, and promotions. You can also see more on Termination Letter.
Can I appeal a written warning?
Yes, employees can usually appeal a written warning if they believe it was unjustified. The process typically involves submitting a formal challenge to HR or a higher authority within the company.
Can you reject a written warning?
While you can disagree with a written warning, formally rejecting it is typically not possible. You can, however, express your disagreement in writing and request that it be filed along with the warning. You can also see more on Formal Letter.
What comes after a written warning?
After a written warning, further action depends on the employee’s response. If improvement is noted, no further action may be necessary. If not, additional warnings or termination might follow.
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