Certificate of Recognition abbreviated as COR is a certificate that proves that the health and safety programs of the employer meet the provincial standards and have been evaluated by a certified auditor. The certificate is given to the bosses who look after creation and meeting up the set up norms of health and security programs in a company. Certificate of recognition template is easily available online in various formats like Word, PDF etc; these are professional looking certificates that accommodate important details like name of the person, confirmation of assignment, mark of the approving authority, name of approved establishment etc. You may check Wedding Certificate Templates.
Professional Certificate Bundle Set – in PSD, Word Format

Simple Recognition Certificate Template

School Recognition Certificate Template

Certificate of Recognition Template

Student Recognition Certificate

Emergency Manager Recognition Certificate

School Certificate of Recognition Template in Word

Flag Recognition Certificate Template

Youth Recognition Certificate Template

Archery Recognition Certificate Template

Sample Sportsmanship Recognition Certificate Template

Squash Recognition Certificate Template

Basketball Recognition Certificate Template

Certificate of Recognition PSD

As the name suggests this certificate template is exclusively available in PSD format. The template has spaces for important information to be filled like name of the individual, date, test on confirmation of completion of assignment and mark and signature of the designating authority etc. The template is available for free download online.
Simple Certificate of Recognition

This is a simple Certificate of recognition template but is an impactful one. The template uses large font and decent colours like black, blue and red. The template focuses on declaring important information like name of the task completed, name of the authority giving the certificate, date etc. The important information is highlighted in red and other details in black and blue.
Printable Certificate of Recognition

This template can be either filled by typing or can be filled manually after getting the print out. The template can easily be downloaded for free and printed for further use. The template uses simple text and colours and only important information like date, name of the individual, reason of certificate, signature and mark of the certifying authority etc.
Certificate of Recognition Word

This certificate of recognition template word format is available for free download. The certificate can be opened in Microsoft word once downloaded and edited according to the needs of the certifying company. The format, text, font style and colours used are simple yet impactful. The template is a professional looking one covering all the important details that need to be highlighted on the certificate.
Best Certificate of Recognition

Sample Certificate of Recognition

Free Download Certificate of Recognition

Downloadable Certificate of Recognition

Sample Best Certificate of Recognition

Free Certificate of Recognition

Certificate of Recognition Download

Certificate of Recognition to Print

Certificate of Recognition Example

Beautiful Certificate of Recognition

Example of Certificate of Recognition Word

Uses & Purpose
The Certificate of Recognition template is requires when one needs to give any individual a document that states that the health and security system of an organization are in place and meet up the set up norms. Once the system is evaluated and approved by a certified auditor then only the certificate is given to any individual. If you wish to get a certificate that is formal in nature and accommodates all important details that must be presented on a certificate than using certificate of recognition template Word or PDF format will be the best. These templates are available in various attractive designs and format.
Target Audience
The certificate of recognition is given to individuals who are in-charge of health and safety system of a company. If the certifying authority finds out that the health and safety system meets up the established standards then the individuals are presented COR in order to recognise their efforts in keeping the system intact in terms of health and security. The certifying authority can make use of numerous design certificates of recognition templates available online and select the one that suits their requirement. The certificate of recognition sample text accommodates information like name of the individual, mark of the certifying authority, date, company name etc. You may also visit Best Birth Certificate Templates.
Any organization that gets a certificate of recognition represents a well setup health and security system that is in place with industry standards. Using Certificate of recognition templates will save your time and effort required in designing and formatting a certificate. The templates are easily available for free download in popular formats like Word, PDF etc for easy use. Select the certificate of recognition template that has all the important information and is also professional looking. These templates have been designed by experts. The templates uses colour, text, font style and format that reflects the organization’s professional standards. One can choose from wide range of COR templates and download them for free.
Certificate of Recognition templates have been specifically designed to provide a professional and elegant looking certificate without having to spend time and effort in designing them. They are easily available in Word, PDF, and PSD format and can be downloaded for free. The templates contain all the important information that must be highlighted in a certificate of Recognition.
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