Imagine that you are invited to a charity ball. You get the chance to dress up, bring a date, eat the buffet, and dance all night to your heart’s content. Sound like a perfect night out? How about this, imagine that you have to organize a charity ball. You have to call the caterers, send the invitations, decorate the place, and arrange a program; sound like your cup of tea?

Events such as birthdays, weddings, or fund-raising are always fun. You can meet a lot people, you can have free food and drink, and best of all you get to join in the fun activities. But the preparations it takes to make them happen may not be as easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not as fulfilling! In case you have a taste for event planning and organizing, below are Sample Certificates that might interest you.

Event Planning Certificate Template

event planning certificate

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  • Illustrator
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  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
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Size: US+ Bleed


Meeting and Event Planning Certificate Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 329 KB


Event Planning Certificate Example

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Size: 13 KB


Event Planning Checklist Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 197 KB


Events are planned social occasions. It is where people, may it be the public or a more exclusive group, are expected to interact. Some people love to attend events—to be guests and spectators. There are also those who love to organize and plan them. If you are one of those people, may I suggest that you get yourself a checklist, enumerate everything that you need for the party, and start calling! Here are some of the must-haves present in every successful event.

  • Invitation – what is a party without an interesting group of people. One of the first things that you must identify are the individuals that you like to celebrate an occasion with. Although invitations can be handed out as soon as you have all the details, at least you know who to invite beforehand.
  • Food and Beverages – food and drink bring people closer together. It will not be a successful party if your guests are hungry.
  • Music – regardless if you want people to sing and dance, catchy tunes can instantly liven up any gathering. It kills the silence, in case, there are no conversation buzz.
  • Games – games like Pictionary or charades are great bonding activities; plus, they make people a bit busy. You can also make assortments in teams or groups so that everyone can have a chance to make new friends.
  • The Decor – the setup should at least give your guests the feel and idea of the fun that they are about to have in your event.

Planning an event really relies on your creativity, so whatever you think can make the occasion even more successful, like tokens, gift bags, it’s really up to you. In case you are giving away gift certificates, you can download our free Printable Gift Certificates

Event Planning Certificate Sample in PDF

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Size: 36 KB


Simple Event Planning Certificate Example

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Size: 158 KB


Free Printable Event Planning Certificate Sample

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Size: 10 KB


It’s always great to be around people. To get the chance to meet and make new friends, or just to talk and laugh for a few hours—those are some of the things that make us appreciate life. Those are what events are for.

And one of the deepest, most meaningful perks of an event planner is that you get to do those things. You get to touch somebody’s life, and you know for sure you’re making them happy—like planning a wedding. Sure, there are lots of stress with the preparations, but what really counts is that you can help people make certain moments in their lives more meaningful. What’s a few pressure and late night calls when you get to bring people closer together, right?

If you have other plans or projects, you can check out our free Blank Certificates

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