According to the Third Sector, there are five common types of risks that small charities face, and among the most common is facing a damaged reputation. Once damaged due to fraud or misconduct, a charity organization may need to reboot, but it won’t mean that the risk had gone. So, if you want to avoid, or at least know beforehand, what the possible risks are and what your charity commission can do to prepare, then you should have a charity commission risk register!

FREE 5+ Charity Commission Risk Register Samples & Templates in MS Word | PDF

1. Charity Commission Risk Register Template

File Format
  • Word

Size: 22 KB


2. Charity Commission Risk Register

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 512 KB


3. Sample Charity Commission Risk Register

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 567 KB


4. Charity Commission Risk Register Guide

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Charity Commission Risk Register Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 191 KB


6. Small Charity Commission Risk Register

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 151 KB


What Is a Charity Commission Risk Register?

A charity commission risk register is a type of document that’s essentially used by charity commissions or organizations who manage various charity groups. The document is mainly for recording the different risks and risk levels after conducting a risk analysis. With it, the charity commission will be able to know how they can manage, address, and avoid the risks that may put their registered charity groups in disorder and trouble.

How to Make a Charity Commission Risk Register

According to, the top three importance of risk registers are identifying, rating, and managing risks. And that applies to all organizations and companies, especially charity groups and commissions. But, making a risk register can be a difficult task, so keep the following tips in mind when you do start creating the charity commission risk register that you will be using:

1. State an Introduction

The introduction should allow any reader and user of your charity commission risk register to know what the document and it’s purpose is. The introduction can also have the narrative or summary of the charity commission and the involved charity groups, the risk management plan, and the period when of the risk analysis.

2. Place Instructions and Guidelines

Whenever you make any sort of document, you should ask yourself whether it’s a general one or a specific one. Doing this will allow you to know if your readers and users are knowledgeable about the uses and how to navigate the form. So, if you make a charity commission risk register, then it means you’re making a specific document that only a few may know how to use. Therefore, add instructions and guidelines for the users, such as how to fill it out or how to conduct the risk assessment and analysis for the charity commission and its groups.

3. Don’t Skimp on Space

Risk register forms, regardless of where it’s used, can be lengthy, that’s why some companies and organizations prefer to use software programs and applications for it. Nonetheless, printing it out is also as useful, you just have to avoid skimping on space, especially when it’s a big charity commission that you will be managing. Allocate enough space in the table or in every row and column, as well as in the lines for the explanation and background of the risks.

4. Identify Risks with the Other Members of the Commission

Be it you’re the president of the charity commission, just a member, or a risk analysis service provider; you still need thoughts about the risks that the rest of the charity has seen. For instance, you can identify the electric hazards and risks from the electrician’s standpoint, while the authorized personnel can deliver issues on the lawsuit and liability of the commission. Just know who to ask, document, and plot it in the risk register, and you’ll have detailed risk identifications in no time.

5. Present and Describe Solutions

Risks, when left unattended, can grow and harm any organization. So, once you identify the risks and its harm levels, think of solutions. It can be long-term solutions, or short-term ones, for as long as you have a well-detailed plan to address the risks.


How often should my charity commission use the risk register?

Your charity commission should use the register every time you will conduct a risk analysis, assessment, and when you employ your risk management plans. That way you’ll be able to see the changes and progress, and determine whether or not the plans to address and solve the risks had worked.

Is it necessary to keep updating the contents and layout of the charity commission risk register, or can my organization remain to use the same for the varying risk analysis?

It depends on your organization’s preferences. If you want to use the same layout for long-term risk analysis, then you can! Just make sure that the layout and contents apply to the particular risks that you want addressed, and have enough input space. On the one hand, you can also design the registers in varying file formats and layout to suit every method of use. For instance, you can have the register form in PDF for electronic use, while DOC formatted ones would be best for printed versions.

What are the key elements of charity commission risk registers?

The key elements include the risk category, description, identification, impact on the organization, likelihood and frequency, rank, and trigger. There’s also the prevention and contingency plans that your organization have to plot along with the risk owners and the identified residual risks after the risks are addressed and managed.

When making and using risk registers, think of it as a spreadsheet and tracking sheet that helps your organization track and manage the risks. So, it’s wise that you start making the register right now to begin analyzing and plotting every possible risk that your charity commission might have. Just choose, download, and use our free sample forms above, so you’ll have your editable and printable register in no time!

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