The State of Modern Philanthropy reported that almost 30% of donations that charities and fundraisers receive are during the beginning season of Christmas, or after Thanksgiving. As a result of that event, the #GivingTuesday became a trend. With every year coming, the hashtag remains, especially since most people now have social media accounts where they want to be on what’s trending. And that is the reason why charities must know how to maximize the ways in which they communicate with the world, especially with their partnering organizations, charity volunteers, and sponsors. But how? Well, by plotting strategies for a charity communication plan!

FREE 5+ Charity Communication Plan Samples & Templates in MS Word | PDF

1. Charity Communications Strategy Plan

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  • Word

Size: 8 KB


2. Charity Communication Plan Template

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  • PDF

Size: 682 KB


3. Sample Charity Communication Plan

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Size: 212 KB


4. Charity Communication Strategy Template

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Size: 3 MB


5. Professional Charity Communication Plan

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Size: 490 KB


6. Simple Charity Communication Plan

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Size: 2 MB


How to Establish a Sustainable Charity Communication Plan

Some charities send out email updates to their charity volunteers and donors, as well as their sponsors. And according to M+R Benchmarks, the response that email fundraising gets has grown 1% over the year. That means that directly communicating via email is effective. But, how about in the internal communication method of a charity? Would the same emailing tactic work? Well, it does, too, as well as other methods. However, there still needs to be a sustainable plan that grows with the changes in society, trends, and technology. Therefore, read on and keep the following tips in mind as you begin to make a strategic plan for your charity and its communication methods and procedures:

1. Identify Communication Areas of Concern

One of the most common areas of concern when it comes to communicating in an organization is the lack of understanding gained from the lack of definition given. And that problem is a lot more prevalent than you think. Maybe you also have it in charity, or perhaps not. But the main point is you must know what your charity’s areas of concern are. By identifying it, you’ll be able to address and create solutions that you can include in your plan.

2. Specify Your Desired Outcome

Since you have already identified the problems, now is the time to know what you want to happen in your charity organization. Do you desire to make a communication plan for your charity project team? Or maybe you want to plan out how ideas, suggestions, and observation feedback can be delivered to your charity? All you have to do is mind the concerns, as per what you have identified, and aim for a target that you want to claim during the implementation of the communication plan.

3. Focus on Whom the Plan Applies and Affects

Is your plan applicable to your charity volunteers, sponsors, donors, partners, or recipients? By acknowledging and focusing on who the communication plan applies to, you’ll be able to identify and customize the plan’s contents to suit your audience’s specifications. For instance, if the charity communication plan is meant for the fundraising event organizers of your charity, then you’ll be able to add step-by-step communication guides to be mandated along with the charity event planning process.

4. Develop Easy to Understand Rules, Policies, and Messages

Imagine reading a set of rules, guides, and policies in your charity business plan, yet not understanding the entirety of it due to the terms used in it which are too legalistic, or full of jargon? Well, it’s disappointing, is it? That same disappointment will be the same result if you don’t value the essence of using terms that your target audience can understand. Remember that short and concise is the best option for making various plans, be it for nonprofits or business organizations.

5. Define Your Communication Model

Did you know that there are many types of communication models? And each type varies on what happens next. But, regardless of the type, there are two elements of the model that remains: the sender and the receiver. So, in your charity communication plan, the type of communication model that you aim to use will depend on your intent and goal. Nonetheless, you or the charity itself is the main sender of the message, while the rest of the involved parties are the receivers. How you send the message will depend on the communication method, such as by using social media, phone, or mailing. And if you ever will prefer all three, or other methods, then it would be best if you use graphs and diagrams to illustrate the methods effectively, as well as using arrows and symbols to indicate to whom the message gets sent to next.

What is a charity communication plan?

A charity communication plan is a list of steps and guides, and proposed actions that your charity can use for better communication for various events, activities, and transactions within and outside the charity organization. Just like other charity plans, such as a charity disaster recovery plan or event plan, a charity communication plan should be created by all committee or board members of the charity to promote equality and teamwork in its contents.

When implementing the charity communication plan, are there other documents to use during its implementation?

Yes, there are other documents that your charity should use when implementing the charity communication plan. One is a phone call log, which allows anyone in the charity to document the calls that they made in the charity. The log will help in identifying who informed or called who and whether the call was made in accordance with the communication plan process. Other documents can be a social media strategy checklists, activity logs, and other forms, which can be for recording the communication steps and actions made by the members of the organization.

Are charity communication plans really essential?

Yes, charity communication plans are essential for your organization. In specific, it helps in the growth of your charity and in ensuring that everyone involved knows what needs to be done when there are pieces of information that need to be delivered.

Remember, effective communication results in a successful organization. So, don’t waste any more time, and choose from our charity communication plan sample forms and templates above as to which suits your charity’s needs and preferences. You also don’t have to worry about any payment and subscription requirements, for we are giving our editable and printable templates to you for free! All you have to do is click your chosen plan template to download it, and then you can edit its contents right away! It’s that easy.

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