As humans, we have many perosnal interests.hat is reagradless of wheher you are abusy person or not.  Some are even involved in personal and business activities. So it’s not really surprising for an individual to have a conflict of interest. A lot of people are guilty of doing this, but others may not even notice that they’ve already overlooked potential conflict of interest. Even nonprofit organizations, such as charity, are not exempted from such conflict. To handle this kind of situation, a charity conflict of interest policy is prepared to guide the organization’s members. Here, you’ll find useful samples that will help you better understand what this policy is all about.

FREE 10+ Charity Conflict of Interest Policy Samples & Templates in MS Word | PDF

1. Charity Conflict of Interest Policy Template

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Size: 529 KB


2. Charity Conflict of Interest Policy

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Size: 10 KB


3. Conflict of Interest Policy for Trustees

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Size: 1 MB


4. Conflict of Interest Policy & Annual Form

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Size: 27 KB


5. Basic Charity Conflict of Interest Policy

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Size: 79 KB


6. Trust Conflicts of Interest Policy Template

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Size: 73 KB


7. Conflict of Interest Policy Template

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Size: 281 KB


8. Sample Conflict of Interest Policy

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Size: 205 KB


9. Charity Society Conflict of Interest Policy

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  • Word

Size: 76 KB


10. Sample Conflict of Interest Policy Format

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Size: 10 KB


11. Policy Governing Conflict of Interest

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Size: 33 KB


What Is a Charity Conflict of Interest Policy?

Policies are guiding principles that are proposed by an organization or individual to aid them in making effective decisions and achieve rational outcomes. Policy statements are intended to be used as standard operating procedures or protocols in an organization. It helps minimize conflicts and risks related to personal and financial aspects. One such issue regulated by polices is a conflict of interest in the nonprofit sector. Charitable organizations aim to help people who are in need, but it does not mean that they are exempted from getting involved in a conflict of interest. That is why they have a charity conflict of interest policies to guide them

A conflict of interest is defined as a situation when one’s obligations are at odds with their own financial interests.  A charity conflict of interest policy prevents such a situation from taking place by obliging its members to follow the policy. This is most common in higher positions in an organization, like the board of trustees and executives. It is a means of managing conflict or any potential conflict in the organization. Nobody should have an exempt status from the policy, and whoever goes against it must face the corresponding consequences.

How to Make a Charity Conflict of Interest Policy

Making a charity conflict of interest policy is a huge task. Well, it shouldn’t really be a problem because even huge tasks can be done using simple steps. The steps below will show you how.

1. Look for References

If this is your first time making a policy statement for whatever purpose, the best action to take is to study how the statement is made and be familiar with its format. To do that, you will need help from different samples that are relevant to your needs. If not, you can still use available policy samples as a reference to guide you on what to do and give you ideas on what the contents of your policy should be.

2. Use the Appropriate Template

There are a number of policy templates available for you online. What you must do is choose one that is most relevant to your needs. Make sure that is is also editable so that you can make the necessary changes to the document. Sample templates for a liability policy or employee conduct are good examples. But you can also take a look at charity volunteer policies or charity fundraising policies to learn more ideas.

3. Know Your Purpose

Keep in mind the very reason why you are writing a charity conflict of interest policy. It will eventually help you get started with your policy’s content. Connect your purpose with the rest of the content of your document, and you will be able to build a policy statement that works.

4. Include Relevant Information

Don’t leave out relevant information. If you think that you might have forgotten something important, then try to look for it on your references. Don’t stop where you are stuck. Use a different way to help you move or proceed to complete your work. Continuous research is sure t be of great help.


What is the purpose of a conflict of interest policy?

The purpose of a conflict of interest policy is to prevent any entity from making personal and financial gains from directly or indirectly using the funds of a nonprofit organization such as a charity. Nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt organizations, so they should not engage in inappropriate business, such as making arrangements with its board of trustees, directors, officers, and other individuals who will benefit from conducting inappropriate business.

What other types of nonprofit institutions can have issues with conflict of interest?

A charitable organization is just one type of nonprofit organization where conflict of interest can arise. Other nonprofit organizations that can experience the same issues include business leagues, cooperatives, professional associations, and labor organizations, to name a few.

What should be included in a conflict of interest policy?

Federal and state laws require nonprofit organizations to have a conflict of interest policy. In New York, the policy must state that the officers and employees should act in the best interest of their organization. They even provide a guide on how to draft a policy. The conflict of interest policy includes four main sections, which is the purpose, definitions, procedures, and violations. Each section covers different contents.

For more charity conflict of interest references, be sure to check out the samples and templates we have provided above. They’ll surely help you with building the appropriate conflict of interest policy for your organization.

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