If you have a business, it must be capable of keeping business transaction records and implementing proper billing procedures. Maximizing great invoices is vital to your business’s operations. With an invoice, you will own a document with dual-purpose—it can be a purchase log and a statement for the clients. An organization like a charity needs an invoice as well. Since it needs financial support to keep things working smoothly, an invoice will help the organization to manage and track charitable donations. Moreover, an invoice for a non-profit organization is everything you need to arrange donor information, organize bills for pledges and monitor the organization’s accounts. Find out more about a charity invoice below.

FREE 10+ Charity Invoice Samples & Templates in PDF

1. Charity Gift Invoice Template

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Size: 65 KB


2. Sample Charity Sponsorship Invoice

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Size: 193 KB


3. Charitable Trust Tax Invoice Template

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Size: 877 KB


4. Charity Invoice Template

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  • PDF

Size: 76 KB


5. Donation Invoice Template

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Size: 273 KB


6. Charity Financial Hardship Application

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  • PDF

Size: 155 KB


7. Charity Vehicle Invoice Template

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  • PDF

Size: 178 KB


8. Charity Application Invoice Form

File Format
  • Word

Size: 73 KB


9. Charity Taxable Invoice Template

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  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


10. Donation Invoice Form Template

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  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


11. Donation Receipt Form Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


What Is an Invoice?

Many get confused between an invoice and a bill. Given that these forms are different from each other, how will you compare them? An invoice, also known as the sales invoice, is a form sent by the seller of a product or the provider of a service to the purchaser. With an invoice, the receiver will be notified of his obligation to pay a part to the purchaser. In other words, a sample invoice is a printable or written verification involving the seller and the buyer of the goods and services.

On the other hand, a bill is a document that contains information about the sale of goods or a transfer of property from one owner to another. Unlike an invoice, a bill is a legal document considering the full transfer of asset rights. Yet, both forms are imperative for organizations that involve cash in their transactions.

Charity Invoice: How Is It Important?

Why do you think a non-profit organization that does not pay taxes need an invoice? When it comes to charities, the organization relies on generous donations from individuals to make things operate. More so, because the organization is committed to helping other people, which means it has a lot on its plate. Because of this, a charity needs an invoice to keep records of its funds. With a charity invoice, your organization will not have a hard time organizing sponsor information and sizing up more fundraising events. An invoice will benefit your charitable works, including staying on top of your dues, being able to bill your donors, and keeping all tax information on hand.

The People’s Generosity Level

The marketing research company, Statista, reported a survey conducted in 2019 to test the generosity level of more than 1.3 million people in 128 countries around the world. Based on the report, generosity is not for every country because of the high poverty level. It revealed that Georgia and Yemen had the lowest generosity level, with 6% of people saying that they have donated to a charity in the past month. While on the top of the list are China (11%), Madagascar (11%), Tunisia (10%), Zimbabwe (10%), Armenia (10%), and State of Palestine (10%).

How To Make a Charity Invoice

Making a useful invoice is not as hard as you think it is. While using an invoice template is the easiest way around this, manually-made invoices remain as the most effective. However, it is up to your organization what works best. Below are the things that you need to come up with in a charity invoice.

1. Give the Invoice a Title

Working from the top down to the bottom is the easiest way to make things done. Before anything else, make sure to set the objective first. This will help you come up with your goals. Take note that making a document for your charity should carry out a purpose. With that, you can establish an invoice that is suitable for the organization’s needs and standards.

Moreover, at the top of the invoice, add a title like “Charity Invoice” or “Name of Your Charity Invoice,” so it will be easy to set the invoice apart from other documents. Use a simple yet bold font to capture the attention of your audience. A title is a header that will make the first impression.

2. Provide the Charity’s Details

Next, ensure that your charity invoice provides the necessary details your donors have to learn. Begin with the general information such as the name of your charity, address, ZIP code, and contact details. This makes a good introduction to your document. Also, it will make the charity easy to recognize. On top of that, you can even input the charity’s slogan and logo if you have any. It will build the identity of the organization. And with that, your reputation as a charitable organization will start to grow.

3. Make the Client Information Clear

Take note that your charity invoice involves the back end of the transaction. That said, it is necessary to make the donor’s information visible in the invoice, like the organization’s information, including the sponsor’s name, address, ZIP code, contact information, and other details that you consider beneficial. Besides, do not forget to include the invoice’s number, verification date, due date, and fund transfer terms. If these details are slacking in the invoice, it will not serve its purpose as a transaction document.

4. Include Order Details

Last but not least, provide space for the transaction details.  Include the fund’s quantity, description, and total amount. If the invoice formulated formulas for accurate calculation, it is better. Now, the bottom of the invoice should sum up the total amount of the charitable donation. Making great invoices requires patience. Using references will be helpful too.


Can you invoice someone for a donation?

You can invoice a donation to a 501(c)(3) organization only. This means charitable organizations that involve religious, educational, literary, animal abuse, child trafficking, fostering amateur sports, public safety, and scientific activities can issue a donation invoice.

What is a donation receipt?

A donation receipt is the record of all charitable funds. With a receipt, the donors will know that the organization already received the funds.

Is sponsorship a donation?

Sponsorship is an advertising or publicity business expense deduction, whereas a donation is a charitable deduction.

It is known that a charity is not a profitable undertaking. That said, this organization is expected to be thrifty when it comes to their expenses. With a charity invoice, you can keep an eye on the organization’s funds. Also, it will help you track the flow of the finances. Creating a charity invoice is not an unusual thing, but it is beneficial for your charity.

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