The book “The Good Trustee Guide” recommended that you need to be able to design a strategic plan based on all your charity’s operational planning. Having an operational plan is crucial in your organization especially in translating your top level strategic plan into a more comprehensive description of the person that will be in charge to perform a specific task in a specific time. Thus, you need to create an effective operational plan to guide you in your business.  Read in this article as we share relevant steps that help you create a plan. Plus, we have some templates that you can download freely.

FREE 10+ Charity Operational Plan Samples

1. Charity Emergency Operational Plan

File Format
  • Word

Size: 36 KB


2. Charity Operational Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Simple Charity Operational Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Charity Financial Operational Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 139 KB


5. Trustee Operational Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 185 KB


6. Foundation Operational Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 81 KB


7. Charity Operational Plan Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. Format of Charity Operational Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 836 KB


9. Basic Charity Operational Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 885 KB


10. Charity Draft Operational Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


11. Sample Foundation Operational Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 316 KB



What is a Charity Operational Plan?

A charity operational plan is basically a more detailed plan that commonly relates to the short to medium term, perhaps one to three years, and may apply to a person’s whole charity, or a certain project or field of work. Simply, it is a well-developed plan which will help you to deliver and execute your work and keep all things on the right track. 

How to Create a Charity Operational Plan 

Remember that while creating a charity operational plan, you also need to communicate the plan in various ways to reinforce the ideas behind it and to guarantee that all your stakeholders not only have understanding on your direction, but they should support your overall goals and help you in fulfilling them. Before developing or executing a plan, we recommend that you follow important steps below: 

1. Define your vision and mission

Ron Johnson said: “You need a very, exceptional, clear vision. And to me, a vision is something that you can say in one sentence. The fewer the words the better.”  So, you need to write a clear and concise statement of your charity’s vision and mission, as well as incorporate the particular changes your organization wants to implement.

2. Summarize the overall performance

Record a brief summary of your charity’s overall performance. Pearl Zhu said: “Most organizations fail to manage performance effectively because they fail to look into the system holistically. Performance is a combination of many factors and shouldn’t be quantified easily. Performance metrics are numbers in context, results are related to your strategic goals.” 

Thus, you need to research and evaluate the key performance metrics of your charity to know the outcomes and help you create a summary. Plus, analyze the possible opportunities and challenges of your organization in the future.

3. Describe the priorities and targets for the coming years 

Think carefully as you consider and describe the priorities and targets of your charity business for the coming years. Use your business performance metrics to forecast the possible status of your charity and set your reasonable priorities and aims according to them.

4. Design an effective plan

Then, you can now design a clear and well-detailed plan to help your charity business keep its fundamental processes and operations by including methods and strategies on how the entire organization will change to execute the priorities. Ask your team or other experts from your charity organization if there’s a need for revision of the operational plan.


What are the major categories of operations planning?

The major categories of operations planning are quality planning, location planning, layout planning, capacity planning, and methods planning.

What are the different types of operational plan?

The different types of operational plans are standing plans and single-use plans. 

What is an example of an operational plan?

An example of an operational plan is a plan to minimize costs of the business firm during the upcoming year. 

What is included in an operational plan?

An operational plan contains the key people, theme, time duration, and processes of a company’s daily operations over the course of the next year.

There are various kinds of charities engaged in different business processes and operations especially with the primary goal of helping people who are in need. Thus, strategic planning by using an effective operational plan may greatly help you in providing the overall framework for the board to assess your charity’s progress and help give opportunities for board meetings and other matters. Download our business plan template in this article so that you can manage your charity business now!

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