Letters are still considered an excellent communication tool, even with the availability of other communication tools like emails, social networking sites, and internet-based applications. We always use the basics of letter writing to create a formal email or when writing to someone using other online communication platforms. Charity request letters are one of the many traditionally written letters that are now being sent by email or online.  It is a letter that only charitable organizations can write, which is also a way for them to communicate their call for help.

FREE 4+ Charity Request Letter Samples & Templates in MS Word | PDF

1. Sample Charity Donation Request Letter

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  • Word

Size: 54 KB


2. Charity Request Donation Letter

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  • Word

Size: 24 KB


3. Professional Charity Request Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


4. Community & Charity Request Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


5. Sample Charity Request Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 249 KB


What Is a Charity Request Letter?

A charitable organization is a nonprofit institution that is built to help people who are in need, by raising funds to support their cause. As a nonprofit organization, a charitable organization does not do business and generate income. Instead, they look for potential sponsors who will donate for their cause by sending them a charity request letter. The sponsors could be individuals or entities that have been supporting the organization and those who have shared the same goals as the organization. Since all people are considered potential sponsors, charity request letters are often published on the organization’s website or social networking sites as an open letter to the public.

A charity request letter is a formal letter that is used to formally request for material or cash donations from known and unknown donors. To write an effective request letter, the writing must possess excellent persuasive writing skills that will capture the heart and trust of readers or potential sponsors. In the letter, the organization must indicate their need for support so that the recipient will have an idea of what they want. There are also reliable charity request letter templates online that are great for making donation requests.

How to Write a Charity Request Letter

Writing a charity request letter seems easy. But there are a lot of things that you need to know to write an effective formal request. We mean one that actually works. However, no matter how great the request letter is, you should always be open to getting a yes or no as an answer. You may also use a good donation letter template to help you write the request.

1. Gather Recipient Information

Make a list of the people or institutions you intend to send a charity letter of request to. It’s important to prepare this ahead so that you will have an idea of the type of people or institution you will talk to with your letter and help you decide not the appropriate working to use for making a persuasive request letter. By doing so, you will increase the chances of getting a yes from each recipient.

2. Write a Good Introduction

When you have an idea who to send the letter, it will be easy to think of an introduction that will make them interested, if not, persuade them to continue reading the letter until the end. Writing a good introduction is not really as easy as it seems, but just by knowing you’re writing to allows you to make a good one.

3. Request for Donation

In a different paragraph, write about your request. You may start by telling them about the project or event that you are doing, including its details. Provide a reason for requesting help or donations, and if possible, provide a breakdown of where these donations will be used or spent on. Potential donors and regular donors would love to know how their donations will be used.

4. Write a Conclusion

This is the part where you thank the donor for sparing some time to read your letter. Do this before writing the closing of your letter. This is also the part where you emphasize the importance of the project or event you are doing. A summary of what was discussed in the letter would be good.

5. Finalize the Letter

The best thing to do before finalizing your letter is to review what you have written. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. Make necessary revisions until you are satisfied. When you’re convinced that it’s good to go, you have th option to send it through email, via postal mail or by posting it online for the general public to see.


What are the elements of a good charity request letter?

There are three key elements that you must always include in your charity request letter. They are emotional appeal, donation details and information, and an explanation of how the donor can help. Reach out to your donors through an emotional appeal where you tell an emotional story about the mission of your institution. It doesn’t have to be tragic or dramatic. A meaningful and purposeful story is enough. The complete details or what there is to know about the project or event must be provided in the letter. Donors have the right to know why you’re asking help. Also, explain to them how they can help through their donations.

What are the benefits of writing a charity request letter?

There are many benefits of writing a charity request letter. They are getting donations of any kind (e.g. in-kind, cash, or labor), getting donations from the same donors in the future, a guarantee to get raise bigger funds, and being on the same page with most people when it comes to raising funds for a cause. You can also trust that it won’t be hard to request donations from your family, friends, and relatives.

Should I expect a yes for all my charity request letters?

Not all donors answer charity request letters with a yes, so you must be prepared to get a no for an answer. Thye have their reasons, and most of them will supply that reason when they give you an answer.

Charitable organizations get the help that they need through charity request letters. This formal letter is a great communication tool that has helped raise funds and other forms of donations from various entities. It’s usefulness never goes out of style. It has been used before, and it’s still being used today. Knowing how to write a charity request letter can be considered a talent.

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