Buying your very own car to most people is already a sweet achievement, which is indeed liberating and empowering especially when you have pursued and achieved it at a young age. Indeed, owning your own vehicle or car is a great responsibility.
And to be effective in taking care or managing your daily lifestyle with it is such a tremendous task, which you would have to plan things out and know all the options in front of you so that you get to choose the one that would perfectly fit and suit you and your needs. For your convenience, you can check out this page’s Sample Contracts that you might find useful.
Used Car Sale Contract Template in Google Docs

Sales Contract Template

Sample Car Sale Contract
Car Bill of Sale Contract Free
Car Sale Agreement Contract
Private Car Sale Contract
Consider these tips and helpful points to consider before heading out to your car dealer and signing out a piece of car contract. Here are also Sales Contract Samples and Behavior Contract Samples that you might find useful.
Types of Car Sale Contracts
- New Car Lease Contract – this type of car sale contract is mainly about getting the exact and right amount of monthly payment. According to Edmunds, you would need to know how much the car will be worth after three or more years, hence you would also need to get the residual value of the car. Having an estimate range of amount is also not a bad idea. Here are also the monthly financial breakdown of this type of car sale contract: Term of the lease (monthly length of the loan), allowed mileage (the length of the lease monthly allowance), payment for drive-off (a whole lot of general fees), and the cost of the car (the “capitalized cost”).
- Cash Sales Contract – this type of car sale contract is when you pay the your car dealer or the car store in cash when you make your car purchase. The following makes up the total amount of the price: sales tax, purchase price of the car, car registration fees, and contract documentation fees. However, in some cases, customers can avail a customer cash rebate depending on the situation. Also, the customer can also be used to trade—option to lower the car purchase price and fees.
Car Sale Deposit Contract Format
Car Sale Contract with Payments
Legal Car Sale Contract Example
- New Car Finance Contract – this type of car sale contract is essential and highly recommend for you to know the following: the down payment (for other options, you can also use the trade-in or rebate as a down payment), the interest rate, the financed amount, and the term, or length of the loan or lease.
Just like any other contract, the contract itself would use some terminologies that you may not understand, pretty much because you probably have not encountered that word or term before. To help you further and to make sure that you fully understand the car contract before you sign in, here are some of the terminologies present as well as its definition:
- Amount financed – this is the amount of credit provided to you.
- Additional Products or Services – these are the additional goods or the additional services that your auto dealer may offer at a lower rate or either in lease or financing terms.
- Assignee – this is the institution or business who buys the contract from the auto dealer. It could be the bank, a credit union, or a finance company.
- Credit Insurance – this is an optional financial product that pays for the unsettled balance (if you have any) if you would not be able to pay it yourself for some reasons.
Rent Contract Samples are also on this page that you may find useful.
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