Large commercial areas such as offices or department stores with a lot of foot traffic would need to hire commercial cleaners. This group of individuals are tasked to take out your trash, clean the floors, sanitize the bathrooms as well as eating spaces, and will do other types of light cleaning regularly. These types of cleaners are very much needed most especially in areas or spaces that are frequently used. If you are looking for commercial cleaning services that can do the job, then you have done your research or have read through their cleaning services proposals. After careful assessment and selecting the best agency for the job then the next step to the process is to work on a commercial cleaning service contract. This document will bind you and the cleaning agency to adhere to the terms and conditions set upon the contract. Read more about this in our article for today, and don’t forget to check out our free commercial cleaning service contract samples below.

10+ Commercial Cleaning Service Contract Samples

1. Commercial Cleaning Service Contract Template

commercial cleaning service contract template

File Format
  • MS Word


2. Commercial Cleaning Service Contract Proposal Template

commercial cleaning service contract proposal template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages


3. Free Sample Commercial Contract Cleaning Janitorial Services

free sample commercial contract cleaning janitorial services

File Format
  • MS Word


4. Professional Commercial Cleaning Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 975 KB


5. Commercial Cleaning Service Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


6. Commercial Cleaning Equipment Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 792 KB


7. Printable Commercial Cleaning Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


8. Commercial Cleaning Service Bid Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


9. Commercial Window Cleaning Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 264 KB


10. Business Commercial Cleaning Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 225 KB


11. Commercial Delivery of Cleaning Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What Is a  Commercial Cleaning Service Contract?

When you are about to employ a cleaning service for your company, it is always advised to draft a contract. A commercial cleaning service contract is a document that would set the terms, conditions, payment, and other important details between two parties, which are the cleaning agency and the client. The contract may be for commercial work and is commonly written to have the cleaning occur on a scheduled basis. Payment is often made on a weekly or monthly basis with the cleaner having full access to the premises. Contracts are important not only to make sure that the services are rendered as agreed but since 3rd party individuals will be going in and out of your private property there is also the issue of the safety of the personal belongings within the premise. With a contract on hand, should any of its contents be breached, then parties can be held accountable by law.

How To Write a Commercial Cleaning Service Contract?

It would be a common practice that before both parties can sign the contract, that they should at first set up a meeting to discuss its possible contents. This will help clear misunderstandings and delays in terms of revising the contract. Cleaning contracts are a great way to manage client expectations and curb delayed payment issues. Once in agreement, then you may start writing the document. Each contract may differ due to the specifications between the client and the cleaning agency but here are common elements included in this specific document.

1. Client and Cleaning Agency’s Basic Details

It is mandatory to include both parties’ details such as their names/company or business names, addresses, and contact details. This is usually found in the statement of agreement section of the contract.

2. Services Provided

In other terms, this is called the scope of services in which the cleaning agency will be providing the client. Topics to be tackled are areas of which the cleaners will be cleaning, their cleaning schedule, the list of cleaner’s duties and responsibilities, how many cleaners will be provided by the company, and the list of things that are excluded or not part of their services.

3. Equipment and Supplies

Both parties need to specify who should be shouldering any expenses regarding the supplies and equipment used by the cleaners. Perhaps you could also include details of the budget and other important matters to help clear out any future misunderstandings.

4. Confidentiality or Privacy Clause

To ensure that all sensitive information, data, and personal belongings the cleaners may encounter while at the property are safe, it is recommended to include a confidentiality clause. That any unauthorized usage or distribution of the client’s property will be dealt with accordingly.

5. Payment Details

The payment details must be properly included in the contract, as well as the payment schedule and method.

6. Termination and Cancellation Clause

Should the client or the cleaning agency wish to cancel or terminate their services, the terms and conditions should be properly included in this section. This is to make sure that if any problems happen in the future, everything is clearly documented.


What Is the Difference Between Commercial Cleaning and Industrial Cleaning?

Commercial cleaning is done by a professional team rather than an individual employee and is less expensive and cleaners can take on smaller jobs. Whereas industrial cleaning is more for bigger and complex jobs which involve cleaning large equipment like those found in factories such as pipelines, sewage, water tanks, etc. And this would entail a different kind of cleaning approach.

What Is The Importance of Contracts?

Contracts provide both parties protection and a better understanding of the terms and conditions laid out in the contract. This also ensures that both parties follow what is agreed upon or else they may be held liable if they breach any terms.

What Is a Services Contract?

This is a document that states the agreement between a client and the service provider/contractor who will be providing services.

Written contracts provide the best way to ensure that both parties abide by the agreement stated in the document. This is very important for businesses that are dealing with service providers and contractors. With this being said, you must include all the necessary details in your commercial cleaning contract so you may have a smooth and continuous working relationship between you and the cleaning agency.



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