A petition is basically a type of paperwork that will be used as a means of collecting signatures from the masses so as to convince a certain organization to either cease or promote an action. The importance of petitions nowadays is that it is useful for informing the masses of a certain issue and to remove that issue.

A petition is typically used when it needs a lot of signatures, but there are cases where the petition at the very least requires one signature. One example of a petition would be a petition for divorce, where the purpose of the petition is to have one spouse have the other sign the divorce petition.s

Community Pharmacy Petition

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Size: 10 KB


Petition for a Community Governance Review

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Size: 29 KB


Community Run Petition

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Size: 112 KB


Community Business Petition

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Size: 299 KB


How to Create the Signer’s Form for the Petition

If you are writing a petition form, then you will need to learn how to write a signer’s form. What is a signer’s form you may ask? Well, a signer’s form for petition is basically what is used as a means of collecting signatures from people for the petition itself. The design of a petition signer’s form is quite simple, you just need to do the following:

  • Open any application that allows you to create a table, word, Excel, etc.
  • Determine the number of signatures you will need. This will help you determine how many copies you will need to print out later.
  • Display or create a letterhead that symbolizes the purpose of the petition.
  • Indicate a short summary of the petition.
  • Now create a large three-column table with as many rows as needed for the completion of the petition.
  • In each column indicate these three words respectively: name, signature, and address.
  • Save your file in a folder or your computer’s desktop and then print out as many copies as needed to reach the required signatures and then some.


Developing a fully functional petition is quite time-consuming, especially if you’re busy developing the format of the petition. One easy way to skip this step would be to use a sample petition to save time on the format of the petition. An example of a sample petition would be an employee petition, which can be found on this site.

Community Property Petition

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Size: 27 KB


Community Care Petition

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  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Petition Letter Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


Tips on How to Write a Petition

There are several petition formats that you could follow when writing your own petition, but there is no actual one format for writing a petition, even for a business petition. A petition can be designed in any way so long as the purpose of the petition is legal and is within the rights of the general public. After all, the main purpose of having a petition is to gain the attention of the public so as to have them sign the petition, providing they did it on their on free will.

The best tip for writing a petition guide would be to write what you think is wrong and why it should be removed. If you put enough effort in the statements you believe in, then perhaps you can convince and gain people over to your side of things.

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