10+ Digital Advertising Contract Samples

Digital Advertising is defined as the practice of delivering promotional content to users through various online and digital channels. It’s target mediums or platforms are social media, email, search engines, mobile apps, affiliate programs, and even websites. These are the areas where people that could be potential consumers are given the details of the product or service that is advertised. This communicates the audience or consumers to their potential subscription or patronization of the said items. In our world today, seeing advertisements in social media is not a new thing. Although there is a process that the things that will be advertised will undergo a lot of processes before they will be posted and presented digitally, having Digital Advertising Contracts will be more recommendable.

In this case, making this from scratch will slower you down in your productivity. Sample Templates got you in making your job easier by providing you with templates that suits your taste, as well as providing you with information and details that are relevant to the contract that you are making. So come with me as we explore the next paragraphs of this article.

1. Digital Advertising Contract

digital advertising contract

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2. Sample Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


3. Simple Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 148 KB


4. Digital Signage Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 434 KB


5. Digital Advertising Contract Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


6. Online Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 311 KB


7. Online Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 286 KB


8. Basic Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


9. Digital Program Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 140 KB


10. Professional Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


11. Printable Digital Advertising Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 526 KB


What Is A Digital Marketing Contract?

A Digital Marketing Contract is a legally binding agreement between you, the marketer, and your client.  It outlines the responsibilities of both parties while protecting the rights of each person. It is a finalized legal agreement between the client and a freelancer. As we all know, a digital marketer is a very broad profession, this may have the specializations in anything that are not only limited to websites, branding, advertising, social media, and any marketing service. Whatever the specialization is for an individual, digital marketers always need a contract available at hand. The question we need to answer is, “What should be included in the Digital Marketing Contract?”

Detailed Descriptions Of The Work

As with any marketing agreement, you need to be crystal clear about who the contract is between and the nature of the relationship. This helps to clarify the roles, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties involved. This means outlining what the job will entail, and basically what it is that you’re going to achieve.

Timeline For Deliverables

?After you detail all your digital marketing services, you need to outline the project scope. Use numbers and dates when talking about volume, timeframes, drafts, or iterations—otherwise, the scope could be open to interpretation and lead to friction or impact your ability to achieve your stated goals. It’s good to be as detailed as possible here, we don’t want to be in the situation where your client will give changes or modifications of the output that he/she is expecting from you.


Both parties will have to agree on the handling of confidential information. Confidentiality is important to protect your personal information (as well as the client’s customers) and company trade secrets. Setting up a non-disclosure agreement and non-compete clause will cover both party’s rights and interests in this area.

Termination of Contract

Every digital marketing agreement will include a section for terminating the contract. This is usually on a specific date or once a project is completed, but it’s also good to outline any other reasons why a contract can be terminated earlier.


How does a marketing contract work?

A marketing agreement typically grants exclusive rights to the marketing agency or consultant for servicing a specific product in a defined territory for a specified period of time. The client and the consultant should be clearly identified in the contract.

What is a social media marketing agreement?

This is a Service Agreement suitable for social media marketing. Under this agreement, a Marketer provides social media marketing services to a Customer for an Agreed Price. This agreement is drafted in favour of the Customer.

What needs to be in a marketing contract?

So, all marketing agreements will have a discussion of payment terms, timeline, and some articulation of the work being done by the marketing agency. There may also be a section covering legal matters such as copyright protection, nondisclosure, or other provisions related to a business’s proprietary information.

Truly, making this is a pain in the head if you will not utilize the available resources that you can readily avail online. Do not worry about a thing and start making your project with the aid of Sample Templates now!

For other contract needs, you can also avail the following: Sales Agency Contract, Real Estate Investment Contract, Cooperative Investment Contract, Start Up Investment Contract, Company Investment Contract, Debt Investment Contract, Security Investment Contract and more in the storage just for you.

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