Graphic designing refers to the process of visual communication through the use of artwork, photographs, typography, and other creative methods. Graphic designers who offer professional services provide them to companies or businesses in exchange for compensation or fee. As a designer, some of the documents you can use to secure your agreement with a client include a freelance contract, graphic designer contract, website design proposal, web designer contract, design proposals, and more.
10+ Graphic Design Contract Samples
1. Motion Graphics Design Contract Template

2. Graphic Design Contract
3. Graphic Designer & Motion Graphics Designer Contract
4. Graphic Designer Part Time Contract
5. Graphic Design Service Contract
6. Graphic Design Videography Contract
7. Service Provider Contract for Graphic Design
8. Graphic Design 12 Month Contract
9. Graphic Design Internship Contract
10. Graphic Design Project Contract
11. Graphic Design Framework Contract
What is a Graphic Design Contract?
Graphic design contracts are official and legal contract agreement that provides an outline that contacts details about a project, the scope of work, and the terms and conditions that a client and freelance designer has agreed upon. This document is signed by involved pirates before any products or services are provided. This ensures that the freelance designer is properly compensated for their completed work as well as helps in establishing business relationships by showing professionalism to your clients.
How to Write a Graphic Design Contract
A contract for graphic designers provides a clear definition of the relationship between a company or business owner and a freelance graphic designer about the project scope, submission dates or deadlines, commission compensation agreement, and rights as well as their roles and responsibilities. It also provides information on what the designer must know before getting involved in anything or signing any document.
Step 1: Provide the Project Overview
Start by writing a concise statement that outlines the design services you will be provided to the client as well as your project’s start and the estimated timeline for its completion, which both you and the client must agree upon. You can use your project proposal as a reference when creating this section.
Step 2: Include the Payment Terms and Design Deliverables
Define the payment terms and methods as well as your payment schedule to prevent any issues or miscommunications. You also have to provide the deliverables that your clients will take listing them and adding relevant information such as file types or design variations.
Step 3: Provide How Many Revisions the Client Can Get
Almost all freelance designers face the same challenges when collaborating with clients and this is scope creep. This happens when your clients want to add extra work to your project like revisions, tasks, design assets, and other additional work that you have not agreed to. To avoid this, create an outline of how many revisions your client can get as part of your original scope of work.
Step 4: Include Copyright Ownership and Termination Clauses
Take advantage of your contract to convince your client in presenting their project in your portfolio, which you can use later as part of your marketing strategy. Do not forget to include a termination clause in your contract, specifying what will happen when you and your client decide to cancel the project.
What are the common sections included in a graphic design contract or agreement?
A graphic design contract contains common sections such as the description of work or services to be provided, delivery of work, payment terms, grant of rights, designer’s right to authorship credit, cancellation, limitation of liability, the dispute settled by arbitration and governing law, and the acceptance of terms.
What are the advantages of using a graphic design contract?
With a graphic design contract, freelance graphic designers can increase their chance of getting commissioned, manage their expectations of the project, establish their credibility, provide accountability, and gives the freelancers the motivation to work.
What are the other ways to write a graphic design contract?
Aside from creating one yourself, you can write a graphic design contract by paying a lawyer which increases your confidence in the printed contract or you can use a pre-written contract agreement template which saves you time doing your research.
A graphic design contract is a legally binding document that protects the designer, their business, and the client in case any disputes or issues arise during the entirety of their collaboration. The document aims to ensure that the involved parties are working on the same page, knows what to expect from each other, and are accountable for every phase of the project lifecycle, from start to finish.
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