Looking for a job is not always the same for everyone. There are some who find it difficult to land a job. If they manage to pass the exams and the final interview and then got hired in some company, they would still have to face another difficulty. It’s not that difficult if you look at it at first, especially with all that excitement that you have for being hired and for signing the employment contract. The next thing that would happen would be a piece of paper or an envelope handed to you. The human resources personnel would then explain what it is about and what you need to do. Because you are so excited and you are still in cloud nine, you think that everything is good and you will be able to do it all. So you go out and go home happily.
After all that excitement, you checked the envelope or the piece of paper again and you felt differently about it. You ran through what was written and you just realized that you are holding a piece of paper with a long list of preemployment stuff that you need to have accomplished before the deadline. And this is how your soon-to-be-employed life begins.
New Employers Checklist Template

Useful New Employee Checklist
Small Business New Employee Checklist
Employment checklists are provided for new employees to make sure that the company is able to get all the necessary requirements that the employee needs to submit before they start working. It also helps the company make sure that they are hiring healthy people, as well as those with a criminal-free record. This article is all about employment checklist for new employees. We will help you understand why it is important and why companies make use of this tool. Aside from this useful information, we have also included checklist samples for new employees that you can view and download. These samples are made available in PDF. Check them out below.
Printable Checklist for New Employees
Supervisor’s Checklist for New Employees
New Staff Checklist
Why Is It Important to Have a Checklist for New Employees?
New employees, especially those who just graduated from college, don’t really have an idea on what things they need to provide to be able to start working in a company. Some of them won’t even have any tax identification numbers and other government-required memberships yet. Simply put, there are a lot of things that they need to do before they even get started. There are also a lot of things that they need to know and learn when they start working. It should be easy if we’re only talking about a single employee. What if there are 10 to 20 of them? Now that is a problem. This is where providing a checklist for new employees take place. Why is it important? Below are the reasons why.
- The human resources department will always be busy at some point and during times when they need to hire a specific number of people to fill in some position. Of course, it would take much time doing the hiring process and all other steps that come after that, including the employment process. Providing a checklist about what new hires need to do and provide will make their jobs easier because everything that they need to check is already in it.
- It helps save time. You will only need to create a checklist for new employees once and make copies to distribute to new employees later. This not only saves you time but it is also convenient as you will not have to hassle yourself with remembering what requirements the employee lacks.
- It is not only you who can save time but your new employees as well. They don’t have to go back to your office and ask this and that every time they forget something. They just simply need to look at the list and check what they need to do next, or what is left for them to do.
- If you have your checklist for new employees in place, you will be able to provide the same information to your new employees and ask for the same requirements from them. Consistency is the key and this will make things even more organized for you.
- Orientation details can be covered in a checklist for new employees. The things that new employees need to know about the company and its processes can be outlined in the checklist.
- Checklist for new employees can also be used as a checklist intended for the employees’ specific position. It can include the tasks that the said employee needs to do or the training and learning activities that they need to go through before they actually start working.
- Setting proper expectations is important. By providing a checklist for new employees, you can give them an idea about what is expected from them, like where to go or where to report to, what to do and what not to do during office hours, when to take a break and for how long, what they need to wear, their expected attitude in the office, the time of their shift, and many more.
Printable checklist samples can now be easily downloaded online. We also have checklist samples that you might be interested in, like our entrepreneurial checklists, event planning checklists, and daily checklists.
New Employees Checklist for Managers
New Employee Onboarding Checklist
New Hire Checklist
First Day New Employee Checklist
Manager and New Staff Orientation Checklist
What Should Be Included in a Checklist for New Employees?
For some of you who have not seen a checklist for new employees yet, it might seem hard for you to imagine how or what it looks like. Don’t worry because we have included here samples that you can view and even download. So you can stop imagining and check out the real thing. Checklists for new employees vary depending on what the company’s needs are. Here are some of the things that you would commonly see in a checklist for new employees.
The checklist would usually be divided into a number of categories, namely before the the new employee starts, the first day of work, the first week of work, the first few months, and during the last three months until regularization. The tasks included in each category are listed below:
Before the new employee starts
- Clarification of work expectations
- Completion of the necessary employment requirements
- Conducting orientation for new employee
- Creation of a learning and developmental plan
- Determination of the tasks that the employee needs to do and the things they need to catch up on
- Providing office supplies and preparation for business cards
- Giving notice to the entire department about the new employee
- Preparing the needed technology to be used for work by the new employee
- Plan a meeting and a welcoming program for the new employee or employees
The first day of work
- Welcome the new employee
- Do a tour of the workplace and introduce to other employees
- Introduce the new employee to their immediate superior and new team
- Meeting with the managers
- Provide work expectations
- Brief them about their schedule for the entire week
- Explain in more detail the goals of the company or department
- Tell them about the organizational chart
- Provide a run-through of the company’s policies
The first week of work
- Set a meeting for important people within the company’s operations
- Training for business process and applications
- Creation of goals for the employee
- Do a run-through of the tasks that need to be done
- Check out the company’s calendar of events
- Debrief the new employee at the end of every meeting or discussion
- Have their immediate superiors or managers do a touch base at the end of the day
The first few months of work
- Do one-on-one meetings with the new employee
- Monitor the new employee’s performance
- Make sure that they attend required and additional training
- Encourage the new employee to attend or join social events so that they can meet and introduce themselves to the other employees
The last three months until regularization
- Continue to do performance reviews and provide feedback on important points
- Ask for the employees’ feedback about their tasks or the job that they are doing, as well as the processes and policies followed within the company
- Ask for the feedback of their employee’s immediate superior, manger, and coworkers
- Schedule a one-on-one for the final evaluation for regularization.
Effective Checklist for New Employees
Departmental Checklist for New Employees
New Employee Orientation Checklist
How to Make a Checklist for New Employees
Making a checklist is quite easy. You just have to write down what you need to do and when it needs to be done so that you won’t forget about those tasks. Making a checklist for new hires is no different. It is easy in a sense that there are already a lot of checklist templates that you can use as reference when you create your own. Another thing that makes it easy is the fact that company practices about having new hires have already been established long before checklists were created. All you actually have to do is put them in writing. Aside from the checklist samples provided here, we will also be providing you with steps on how to make a checklist for new employees.
- Think of what you want to include in the checklist that you will be making. It is just the same as thinking about what you need to buy and then write it down in your grocery list. Make a list or a draft about those things and make sure to arrange them accordingly so that your details can be organized easily when it is time to make the final checklist.
- Do your research on stuff that should be included. Ask help or advice from supervisors and managers about what they think should be there. You don’t actually have to include them all, but you can add those that you think are useful.
- Reread your work. Check out anything that you missed. You can use other available samples as your reference. Add and take out items or details as needed. Revise the checklist as many times as you want until you have achieved the desired number of items.
- Prepare the sheet that you want to use for your checklist. Set the paper size, paper layout, margin size, and all other settings that you need to take care of.
- Transfer your draft or your list to the actual sheet where you will be putting it. Arrange the details accordingly. Make sure that you position them in chronological order or in a way that is easy to read and understand. The arrangement should also make sense.
- Make your checklist look as neat and as professional as possible, just like what you would do in an entrepreneurial checklist. Perform a spelling check and proofread your work. It would definitely be embarrassing if your checklist would be full of spelling and grammar errors. You don’t want that.
- Get feedback from the employees or the higher-ups. Make the necessary changes and then reproduce your checklist.
- After all that, it should be ready for distribution.
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