A research assistant functions as a researcher for educational institutions and other research facilities. They assist the companies they are at for either academic or field research. As their main function is to research for materials related to their employer, research assistants need to know a lot of things regarding data gathering and, of course, have knowledge on the field they are currently at.

Doing research is a hard thing to do as it needs precise outputs that can help an organization know the items that they are looking for. Details are always taken into consideration as it will make or break a research study a company is doing.

If there are other jobs that interest you other than being a research assistant, browse through our Job Description Samples.

Clinical Research Assistant Job Description

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Size: 177 KB


On Campus Research Assistant Job Description

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Size: 40 KB


Policy Research Assistant Job Description

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  • DOCX

Size: 15 KB


Research Coordinator Assistant Job Description

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  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


Legal Research Assistant Job Description

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  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


Student Research Assistant Job Description

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  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


To be able to function at their best, which is researching, researchers need to have the following qualities:

  • Job admiration. As a researcher, you need to love what you are doing.
  • Passion. Researchers must love researching. It can be stressful at times, especially when you need to research broad items or topics you are not interested at.
  • Detail orientation. A researcher needs to know how to qualify details. There are a lot of references about a certain matter. Make sure that all the data that you are to submit are related and relevant to what the company wants your research focus to have.
  • Love for research trends and technology. Nowadays, research is easier as there is already the nternet that can provide almost everything that we need to know. The love for research trends will help a researcher adapt to different means and ways of research.
  • Writing skills. Researches must be able to properly document their research document. All items must be organized for better understanding and the flow of information must be taken into consideration.

There are far more other jobs that need assistants more than the research industry. To know more one of them, we have Office Assistant Job Description Samples.

Senior Research Assistant Job Description

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Size: 296 KB


Research Project Assistant Job Description

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Size: 208 KB


Research Data Analyst Assistant Job Description

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Size: 103 KB


Research Administrative Assistant Job Description

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Size: 194 KB


Research Lab Assistant Job Description

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Size: 15 KB


A few of the institutions, industries, and companies that need research assistants are as follows:

  • Schools. Research assistants are needed in learning institutions for various reasons. Some of them can be searching for new references, knowing the current trends in terms of educational facilities, and having knowledge about what is new in the field of teaching professions. Graduate schools in particular hire research assistants to do research about a specific advanced field.
  • Medical and clinical laboratories. Nowadays, invention of new medicines and cure for diseases is done faster compared to past years. Thanks to research, medical laboratories and practitioners are able to know more about certain types of diseases, how they can be prevented, and the factors that make a person vulnerable to them.
  • Sales. Research assistants in this field are hired most probably for competition research. Also, they can research about how to improve sales, how to get more customers and the proper sales target needed for certain conditions.
  • Legal. Anything that concerns legalities shall be researched as facts are very relevant in this field. Further studies have to made, and concrete and reliable data must always be presented.

For another kind of assistant post, browse through our Executive Assistant Job Description Samples.

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