What’s the first thing you should do if you purchased a defective product or an item? It’s a waste of money to keep it so you would want it returned. The first thing you should do is to check the retail store’s return policy. By reading their return policy, you’ll know what to do and what to bring for a smooth return and refund transaction. No idea what a return policy is? Then read on.

What Is a Retail Return Policy?

A return policy is a rule established by a retail business to manage the process of returning and exchanging of defective or unwanted goods. Customers follow a retail store’s return policy and procedure if they want to return products or items previously purchased from that store. A retail return policy is part of customer service. Customers would love to go all out on shopping because they know they can return the items if they change their mind. This is how customers come to believe that they can return the items for a full refund. Most customers won’t read these little details and you probably know how they would react upon hearing this information. Well, there are times that things get pretty bloody and other times things turn out peaceful. As a customer, you should be vigilant when it comes to reading the business or company policy.

No Refund Policy

Returning purchased items within a specific number of days is allowed, but not all stores can give you a refund. Doesn’t it sound unfair? You returned the item so you should get your money back. Not all retail stores provide a refund for returned items. Some would offer a replacement of the same item or another item as long as they are of the same amount. Consumer opinions are divided when it comes to the no refund policy. There are consumers who prefer a replacement and there are consumers who prefer to get a cash refund no matter how long it takes to get it.

Is a no refund policy legal? That would depend on which part of the world you are located. In Australia, a no refund policy is illegal. The United States does not have federal laws that affect returns and refunds. Their state laws also do not require a return and refund policy. So it’s safe to say that a no refund policy is not troublesome in the US and that issuing refunds is the discretion of the retail store. However, it is still a good practice to have a return and refund policy in place.

 10+ Retail Return Policy Samples in PDF | DOC

Here are several retail return policy samples that you may use as reference or as a refund policy template for your rerail store.

1. Retail Return Policy Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 1.7 MB


2. Retail Return Policy Template

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  • PDF

Size: 113.1 KB


3. Taylor Retail Return Policy Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 180.3 KB


4. Formal Retail Return Policy Template

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  • PDF

Size: 236.1 KB


5. E-commerce Return Policies Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 3.8 MB


6. General Retail Return Policy Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 104.8 KB


How to Return a Product Without a Receipt

Is it possible to return a product without a receipt? Returning products with or without a receipt is possible as long as you know what to do. While returning products without a receipt can be a handful, you can get through it if you follow these steps and tips.

Step 1: Know the retail store’s return policy.

Don’t barge in a store asking for a refund unprepared, regardless if you have a receipt or not. It’s always good practice to equip yourself with enough knowledge on return and refund policies, or in online purchases, their cancellation policy. Consumer ignorance is the very reason why many consumers are denied of their rights. Merchants can simply point out a policy that is against the law, which will make a consumer feel helpless if they don’t know anything. So don’t be an ignorant consumer.

Step 2: Gather as much evidence as you can.

Since you don’t have a receipt, there are a lot of other things that you can use as proof that you purchased the product from that store. A credit card receipt or warranty card will be useful. If you’re lucky, the cashier who assisted you during your purchase can be your witness. It’s also best to return the product as soon as you can.

Step 3: Go to the retail store where the product was purchased.

Never try returning a product purchased from a different store branch. Always return products you’ve purchased from the same store and show them all the evidence you have, aside from a receipt.

Step 4: Be nice and polite.

It pays to be nice. Sometimes, refund requests are denied or may take too long to process because of the customer’s attitude. Well, we know that it’s not right but you’re the one in need. Acting like a nice and polite loyal customer will definitely not hurt, and may hasten the process.

Step 5: Wait for the refund.

Since you don’t have a proper receipt, the investigation may take some time and all you can do is wait. Ask for a turnaround time and do regular follow up. If you’re again lucky, you can get a refund or a replacement right away.

7. Basic Return and Refund Policy Sample

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  • PDF

Size: 279.6 KB


8. Simple Retail Returns Policy Template

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Size: 49.7 KB


9. Sample Retail Returns Policy Template

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Size: 620.4 KB


10. Online Retail Returns Policy Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 628.8 KB


11. Retail Returns Policy in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7.4 KB


If you’d like to learn more about policies, then looking into other types of policy samples will help you. They are sales commission policy samples, security policy samples, and it security policy samples to name a few.

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