Maintenance is an important part of owning a house. That means there’s a good chance you’ll encounter roofing problems sooner or later. When you finally find yourself on the verge of crossing that threshold, it’s time to whip out the legal document known as a roofing contract. What is this, you wonder? Well, that’s what we’re here to discuss. Beyond that, you can also see what a roofing contract sample looks like from our extensive selection. Read on and enrich yourself with knowledge!
12+ Roofing Contract Samples
1. Roofing Contract Sample Template

2. Commercial Roofing Contract Sample Template

3. Residential Roofing Sample Contract Template

4. Printable Slate Roofing Installation Contract Template
5. Roofing Work Order Service Agreement Contract
6. General Roof Repair Contract Sample
7. Roofing Contractor Sample Agreement Contract
8. Sample Residential Roofing Contract Form
9. Free Printable Roofing Proposal Template
10. Shingled Roof Replacement Contract Sample
11. County Sample Roofing Contracts
12. Standard Roofing Contractors Contract Form
13. Sample Roof Replacement Contract
What Is a Roofing Contract?
A roofing contract is a legal document that binds both contractors and clients to their agreement over the latter’s roofing services. Due to the relatively broad nature of roofing services, anyone can find and use multiple variations of this kind of contract. It can depend on the type of roof, such as either residential or commercial roofing. Some may be centered around the specific services, such as roof replacement or repair.
How to Write a Roofing Contract
Although it comes highly recommended to consult or hire an attorney to draw up the contract, you may still want to learn how to write one yourself. The following steps still apply regardless if you are going for a residential roofing contract or a commercial one. Note that all its elements are also present should you decide to download a blank roofing contract template or examine roofing contract forms for your own reference.
Step 1: Include Basic Information
No roofing contract would be without the basic contractor information sheet and the client information sheet. That will include your name or your company’s name, as well as that of the client’s. Details like the address and contact information are also necessary.
Step 2: Specify the Scope of Work
The scope of work is next on your project to-do list. This is where you must describe the job in immense detail. Ensure that the pricing and the list of materials are all included. You may even assign specific quantities of the materials, just to be sure.
Step 3: Specify the Schedule
The third step will involve writing down the schedule for the contracted work. Like the previous steps, make sure what you’re writing is as detailed and specific as possible. This goes a long way in the project’s schedule management.
Step 4: Discuss the Agreed-Upon Payment Terms
Indicate at length all of the deposits, balance dues, and interim payments involved in your deal. This may include all of the applicable taxes as well. As much as possible, come up with a contract payment schedule.
What are the advantages of roofing contracts?
A written roofing contract will serve as proof of the transaction that took place. It also makes your transaction reliable and legal. Lastly, a roofing contract binds both roofing contractors and property owners and makes them liable for any contract breaches or violations that may happen.
What are the common elements in a roofing contract?
Those curious about what to look for in a roofing contract should be vigilant of the following: The header or the specific name of the contract, the name of the parties involved in the contract, the location or place where the service will take place, the length or duration of time that the contract will last, the type of roofing service needed, and the specific terms and conditions.
What is the difference between a roofing contract and a roofing estimate?
A roofing contract is an agreement between the roofing contractor or company and a client who needs roofing services. A roofing estimate, on the other hand, is just a quote about the possible cost generally about getting a roofing service done to your property. The estimated cost can often be very near or very close to the actual service cost.
From getting yourself a free printable roofing contract template to acquiring free residential roofing contract forms, you now know that what we have are all supreme in terms of quality. Roofing contracts may be similar to any other legal contract, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its own nuances. With this article’s valuable information, you’re now in an excellent position to make your own or choose the best free roofing contract template possible. Don’t waste another moment and act now!
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