The main purpose of running a school is to provide the proper education and development for students as they slowly mature into adulthood. Learning and exercising aren’t the only things a school should offer, a healthy diet should be also part of every student’s snack and lunch meals. In most cases, schools provide some form of catering to offer students healthy tasty food that is within the budget. Depending on school policy, the administration could opt to have an in-house school catering service in which the school owns and manages the service, or employs a private catering company. Whichever works best, a school catering contract is needed to finalize the agreement between both parties. To learn more, continue reading about this below. And if you need any help preparing this contract, check out our free school catering contract that is available for download on this page.

10+ School Catering Contract Samples

1. School Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 272 KB


2. School Catering Services Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 252 KB


3. School Catering Contract Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 103 KB


4. School Catering Company Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 946 KB


5. Middle School Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 164 KB


6. Child Care School Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


7. New School Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 322 KB


8. School Meals Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


9. School Strategy Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 251 KB


10. Sample School Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


11. School Student Catering Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 213 KB


What Is a School Catering Contract?

Caterers are quite popular when it comes to providing food service for events such as corporate parties, weddings, birthdays, and many others. But their services aren’t limited to just offering food to one-time events as they can also provide food to schools and universities, offices, and other establishments. Making it more convenient and a healthier option especially for schools that need to properly provide their students with a variety of healthy and tasty food options. For catering service companies, they must be able to offer food menus that would fit the school’s requirements. All that and others should be included in a school catering contract which is a service agreement between the school and the caterers that specifies the details of the catering services that would take place for a definite period of time.

How To Create a School Catering Contract?

There are different services that can be delivered by a catering contractor – vending, café bar, and full catering. Whichever the school prefers or how they can accommodate this will depend on whether the school has the facilities or the area for a lunch cafeteria of some sort. Initially, a catering proposal is submitted by the company to the school for review, once a company has been chosen both parties would need to exchange a contract as a sign of agreement of the obligations set upon the document. To help you create a school catering contract, here are several tips below:

I. Details of the Services

Specified in the catering contract are the specific details in which the catering company should be able to provide for the school. This will be in terms of the following:

  • Food Menu – before being included in the contract, the food menu is initially discussed thoroughly by the administration and the caterers. For example, food requirements for elementary students may be different from high school students.
  • Labor – will the school need any servers from the catering company? Or are the caterers only to provide the meals? It must be clearly included in the contract what kind of staffing needs the school will require.
  • Other services – perhaps the school will also need the services of the caterer for hosting school related events, if so then you need to include this in the contract and other services the caterers may be able to offer within the terms of the contract.

II. Management Fee / Rates

Catering contracts can take the form of either cost plus, fixed fee, or hybrid types. Under the cost-plus contract, the client pays all the operating costs such as food, labor plus a management fee to the contractor to supply and process these materials. While a fixed-price contract is where an annual cost of catering is agreed between parties at the commencement of the contract. The client pays equal monthly installments to the company for the term of the contract. It is then the caterer’s responsibility to provide the service and generate an element of profit within the total cost agreed. The hybrid it’s the mixture of both types mentioned earlier.

III. Catering Facilities

It should also be mentioned what the school can provide for the catering company or what type of facilities can the caterers provide in return. Is there an area with a fully equipped kitchen and dining area for students? Are there cutlery and payment facilities? All these must be considered and then written in the contract.

IV. Other Terms and Conditions

Aside from those mentioned above, the contract should also include other equally important details such as:

  • Insurance and liability
  • Termination and Cancellation Clause that would set out terms when there is a sudden need to cancel the contract or other relevant matters pertaining to this matter.
  • Health and safety regulations since this is a matter of consuming food and beverages, it is important that certain terms are included.
  • Dealing with disputes and the control of the contract


Why Do Schools Need Catering Services?

Caterers can provide a variety of healthy food options to students and they are able to accommodate the school’s needs and dietary requirements.

What Is a Service Agreement?

This is a document that defines an agreement between two people or businesses to provide service to the other.

What Is a Meal Plan?

This is a method of planning meals you need to eat for a week to a month. This may help you save costs and decide on healthier options.

Make sure you have everything covered in a school catering contract, so you may be able to provide the proper meal menu, and service not just for the students but to the entire school community.

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