If your student is struggling to keep up with their performance in class, an intervention, such as private tutoring should be done. However, this would only be possible if your student is willing to participate in this academic activity that will help improve their work and actually learn all the lessons in their subjects. Consent is your number one priority if you propose to the student to participate in learning activities outside the school hours. To assure that your student is willing and is informed about this intervention, a contract should be created that shows that the student knows what the learning activity is all about and is willing to participate in it. Unlike other contracts, this type doesn’t have to be legally binding in front of the court, but it can be useful to present this to the student’s parents, or principal, or the guidance counselor to let them be aware of what the student is participating in. This article will help you on how to create a student learning contract.

10+ Student Learning Contract Samples

1. Student Learning Contract Template

student learning contract template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages


2. Student Service Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


3. Student Learning Contract with Leadership

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 130 KB


4. General Student Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


5. Student Social Work Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 126 KB


6. Student Internship Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 667 KB


7. Student Independent Study Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 290 KB


8. Sample Student Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


9. Student Remote Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


10. Student Virtual Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 195 KB


11. Student High School Learning Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


What is a Student Learning Contract?

A learning contract is a deliberate, understudy finished record that lays out the activities the student vows to take in a course to make scholastic progress. This agreement is endorsed by the understudy, the educator, and (alternatively) the parent. Advantages of every single such agreement, notwithstanding, are that they give scholastic construction and backing, persuade battling students by having them promise freely to participate in explicit, positive review and learning practices, and fill in as a vehicle to welcome educators and understudies to settlement on what course objectives are significant and how to accomplish them.

Details to Include in a Student Learning Contract

1. Statement of Purpose

The agreement opens with an assertion introducing a reasoning for why the agreement is being carried out.

2. Student Actions

The agreement records any activities that the understudy is vowing to finish to guarantee accomplishment in the course. Appropriate focuses for learning contract things may incorporate participation, class investment, culmination of classwork or schoolwork, looking for of educator help, and so on.

3. Teacher Actions

The learning agreement can be fortified by adding a part itemizing those activities that the teacher consents to embrace to help the understudy. For instance, the agreement may express that the teacher will react inside 24 hours to course questions messaged by the understudy or will actually take a look at week by week and alarm the understudy to any missing course work. Posting educator obligations on the agreement underscores that achievement in the course is a common undertaking and can nudge the understudy to exploit teacher upholds that may somehow or another be ignored.

4. Sign-Off

Both understudy and educator sign the learning contract. On the off chance that the parent is taking an interest in the improvement of the agreement, the person additionally signs the agreement. Since this report is a sort of ‘promissory agreement’, the understudy signature specifically shows a willful acknowledgment of the learning contract and a public vow to completely finish its terms.


What is the purpose of a learning contract?

Learning contracts help prompt the students to reflect on what they’ve learned, how they learned their lesson, and how they established clear goals and create timelines to work on their projects.

What is the importance of engaging students in learning?

Some research had shown that engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus and motivates them to practice their critical thinking skills.

What are the characteristics that promote student learning?

Here are some examples that promote student learning:

  • Involve students in activities, encounters, situations, ideas that will challenge them
  • Create a supportive environment where students are comfortable to learn at their own pace
  • Encourage the active learning of the real world
  • Involve other  significant people in the learning process
  • Promote self-reflection

Once you’re done drafting the contract, review it for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, the language and the tone you used, and the conciseness of all the content. Revise it if needed. Encourage the student to discuss it first with you before you reach a mutual agreement with the contents before you both sign it. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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