Do you plan to become a supplier for individuals with small businesses, or for organizations or entities with who you can provide the necessary goods and products they need for their operations? One of the important things a supplier should do to keep that business going is to snag and keep clients purchasing supplies from them only. One way to maintain that arrangement is by creating a contract between you (as the supplier) and your client (as the vendor) where you will agree to all the stipulations of providing supplies for your clients and how they will pay you back from your services. This article will guide you on how to create a supplier agreement contract.

10+ Supplier Agreement Contract Samples

1. Supplier Goods Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 276 KB


2. Supplier Purchase Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


3. Supplier Delivery Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


4. Company Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


5. Supplier Agreement Annual Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


6. General Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 78 KB


7. Preferred Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 216 KB


8. Supplier Technology Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 207 KB


9. Sample Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119 KB


10. Standard Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


11. Supplier Agency Agreement Contract

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 28 KB


What is a Supplier Agreement Contract?

A supplier agreement is a legal document made between a business and a supplier for the delivery of the products or services. The contract includes all the stipulations of the working relationship between the business and supplier including what particular products will be provided and the duration of the supplies being provided.

How to Make Supplier Agreement Contract

1. Introduction of Parties

The first thing to write is the title of the contract. Even a simple “Supplier Agreement” as the title of the contract is sufficient to know what the contract is about to the reader. Next, write in the date on which the legality of the contract is effective (the date when the contract is signed) and identify the parties involved in the agreement. Include the complete names, the organizations the parties belong to, and identify who is the supplier and who is the buyer. Note that the supplier is the party who agrees to supply the products and the buyer is the party who agrees to purchase the products.

2. Agreement of Purchase and Sale

In this part of the contract, it must state that the supplier should promise to sell the products to the buyer and the buyer should also, in return, buy the products from the supplier. Furthermore, it should also state the certain amount of supplies that will be sold and purchased at a given time frame (whether it’s in days, months, or years) and designate how the products will be measured.

3. Warranty

For warranty and disclaimer purposes, this section must state the supplier promises that the products that they will be provided should not be defective, and if defects are found after they are delivered to the buyer, they should also promise to repair or replace them.

4. Cancellation

State the terms you have regarding of cancellation of the purchase order. If the supplier allows the buyer to cancel or modify the order at a notice, the supplier should provide the number of days’ notice that the buyer should give, for example.

5. Shipping of Products

For the delivery of the products, state the designated time, date, and place of when the supplier will deliver the products.

6. Pricing

This section must indicate the price list including the taxes and other fees, such as shipping and packaging. Don’t forget to include the payment terms such as the supplier sending invoice to the buyer and the number of days the buyer should be able to give the payment to the supplier after they’ve received the invoice.

7. Additional Terms

There are additional terms and conditions you need to include in the supplier contract. Here are some of the important details that you need to put into the contract before concluding it:

  • Termination of contract: Explain what certain actions or events will cause to breach the contract before it expires. Include an explanation of what type of notice a party must give to notify the other party to terminate the contract.
  •  Force Majeure: When unexpected life-altering situations occur that could prevent both parties from completing their agreed obligation, they are exempted to do it. Either party who experiences a force majeure event and is unable to do their obligation, should give written notice to the party regarding the situation and explain their ways of resolving it.
  • Indemnification:  This term helps protect both parties when problems arise in the future such as negative financial impacts due to the negligence of each or both parties. Each party may be protected from any harmful consequences and may avoid legal matters as well.

8. Signature Lines

Conclude the contract with signature lines where both parties can sign the contract and put the date when the signature was made.


Why is a supplier contract important?

The supplier contract is important to protect the rights of both parties agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract.

What are the basic elements to make a contract valid?

The elements needed for the contract to be legally enforceable and binding must have mutual assent, expressed through a valid offer and acceptance by both parties, have undergone consideration and discussion of the legality of the contract for both sides.

What are the different types of agreement?

The different types of agreement are valid, void, voidable, express and implied domestic, and unenforceable agreement.

Once you’re done creating the agreement, make sure to review it first and check to see if there are any errors or inaccurate information that you may have mistakenly input. Discuss the agreement first with the supplier or vendor and reach a mutual agreement of all the terms being presented in the agreement before signing it. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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