You presumably can count on your fingers how many times you’ve worked for 8 hours in a 8-hour shift. Your productivity seldom makes it through the day, whether it’s due to unending meetings, incessant emails, or coworkers stopping in for a “short conversation.” The difficulty is that you’ll be in trouble if you plan your to-do list for an 8-hour workday but only have 1-2 hours of staff hours. To-do lists aren’t the only way to monitor of your everyday activities. From Elon Musk to Bill Gates to Deep Work author Cal Newport, a few of the world’s biggest entrepreneurs have abandoned to-do lists in preference of time blocking.

10+ Time Blocking Samples

The process of planning out every moment of your day in advance and allocating particular time “blocks” for specific tasks and obligations is known as time blocking. This could sound like you’re causing havoc with your calendar. However, it is possible that it will have the opposite impact. It’s difficult for others to steal your time when you load your calendar with the jobs and activities you want to undertake. You may avoid distractions while simultaneously increasing your focus by planning every minute of your day. Single-tasking, or focusing on one activity at a time, can increase your productivity by up to 80% when compared to multitasking. Plus, when you know you’ll have time to check your email later.

1. Budget Time Blocking

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Size: 4 MB


2. Time Blocking in PDF

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Size: 2 MB


3. Time Blocking Sample

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Size: 38 KB


4. The Magic Of Time Blocking

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Size: 128 KB


5. Standard Time Blocking

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Size: 744 KB


6. Time Blocking Steps

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Size: 510 KB


7. Printable Time Blocking

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Size: 484 KB


8. Basic Time Blocking

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Size: 955 KB


9. Day of Time Blocking

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Size: 86 KB


10. General Time Blocking

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Size: 48 KB


11. Minimal Time Blocking

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  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Time blocking is a time management approach in which you divide your day into time blocks. Each block is committed to completing a single task, or a combination of tasks, and nothing else. You’ll start each day with a specific timetable that spells out what you’ll concentrate on and when, rather than an open-ended to-do list of items you’ll get to as you have time.

The key to this strategy is to prioritize your job list ahead of time – a weekly review is required. Create a basic sketch of your time blocks for each day based on what’s coming up in the following week.

Review any projects you didn’t do — as well as any new responsibilities that have come in — at the end of each workday, and modify your time blocks for the duration of the week appropriately.

You won’t have to make continual decisions about what to concentrate on if your days are time allocated in advance. All you have to do now is stick to your timetable. If you become sidetracked or off-task, simply refer to your calendar and return to the task for which you set aside time.

Time blocking and time boxing are sometimes mistaken, however there is a distinction to be made. Time blocking entails devoting certain blocks of time to a specific work or activity. “I’ll work on a first paragraph of my blog article from 9am to 11am tomorrow,” for example.

Time boxing, on the other hand, requires you to impose limits on how much time you’ll devote to a given work.


What is day theming?

For folks who have a lot of responsibilities competing for their attention, day theming is a more extreme variation of task batching. For example, an entrepreneur must frequently balance marketing, sales, product development, customer service, and human resources. Instead of allocating time blocks for each area of responsibility throughout the day, day theming devotes a complete week to each responsibility.

What is task batching?

When you put related (typically smaller) activities together and arrange specified time blocks to do them all at once, you’re doing task batching. By working together on similar tasks, you can reduce the amount of context switching you have to do throughout the day, saving time and mental energy. For example, instead of checking your inbox every 15 minutes, setting two 20-minute blocks to process email during the day is more productive.

Time blocking is just one of several time management techniques available. But there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular. We’re all bound by our schedules. And the more you can manage what’s on there, the more you’ll be able to manage your time, attention, and efficiency.

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