A consent form is a type of document that someone signs to exhibit that they will allow something to happen. It allows written permission to another party so that they understand the terms of a program or activity that will be performed. Similarly, a tutor consent form is given to those who are willing to participate in a tutoring service. After going through the details of the service a parent or a student needs to agree and put their signature so that it is indicated that permission is granted and hence can carry forward with the procedure. Check out the various tutor consent form samples and use the one which you think might be beneficial for your use.
The consent form must include the following components:
- Affirmation that participation is voluntary
- Aims and goals of the research
- Details of the procedures
- Risks
- Confidentiality (containing privacy and recognizability)
- Possible benefits
- Financial refund, costs, and commercialization
- Withdrawal and removal from research
How to write a consent form?
The consent form should be written at the degree of understanding of the reader. You should write it in the first person. A consent form is read by the participant, signed and submitted back to the researcher and must consist of the following features:
- Initiate with the title of the research project, the researcher name, supervisor’s name (for student research), the program in which the researcher is based upon and the name of the governing institution
- Mention that the PIS has been read and the participant has had the chance to ask questions of the researcher
- Imply specifically what the participant is allowing to include the research methods involved. If there are various aspects it may be suitable to use tick boxes
- Shortly re-state the risks related to the research
- Mention that participation is voluntary and probable participants are free to reject the consent and to withdraw it at any time
- Space should be included in the consent form for the participant to specify agreement to participate by signing and dating the form (It may be valid to provide for a piece of evidence or witness to the signature such as a parent or guardian)
4+ Tutor Consent Form Samples in DOC | PDF
1. Tutor Consent Form in DOC
Consent is very necessary for any kind of participation in any program or activities. It basically means agreement or allowance of permission. Similarly, a tutor’s consent contains such kind of form where the signature is taken either by students or their parents. Thus we have given an example of a consent to act as a tutor. It is in a Doc file so you have the advantage of editing and modifying the sample. So without delaying any further grab it now. Plus you can check interview consent forms for more information.
2. Tutor Consent Form Sample
A complete tutoring plan is required before giving away a consent form to the student. It is so because only after knowing and understanding the conditions and procedures a student and his parents will agree to it. To clear out the doubts and to know more about the complete planning details grab the template furnished here. It will definitely be of great help. Plus you can pick whatever information you want so that you can produce a better one by yourself.
3. Tutor Consent Form Template
For joining any kind of tutoring classes or programs a consent form is given to the students where parents agree and gives their signature to indicate that their permission is given. It is also kept as a piece of written evidence for any kind of future aspects. If you want to make such a form you can download the sample provided here and make use of it. Since it is designed by the professionals you will surely be benefitted.
4. Tutor Consent Form in PDF
For participation and joining in any tuition programs for the students parental consent is required. A parent needs to agree and permit the terms and conditions provided in the form. Once they approve it, the student is allowed to join. You might want to have a look at the properly constructed form given here. Refer to it and easily design one for yourself. Download now.
5. Tutor Consent Form Example
A consent form along with a participant information sheet is given in this template based on an action research project to which a participant needs to agree and put the signature. A consent form is beneficial and mandatory for such kind of participation. If you want to create one of similar type check out the PDF file provided here. Not only you will get an updated content but also will gain knowledge on how it is to be done.
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