Weddings are major life events of every couple who wants to take their relationship into a more serious form of commitment and love for each other. Weddings are big deal and it’s no surprise that couples would want their wedding day to be captured as a way to remember their blissful day; that’s why wedding photography is a booming business for photographers since weddings will never vanish and there will be couples out there who will be getting married. If you’re a photographer who wants to take up the challenge of capturing weddings, you need to write a proposal to invite prospective clients to hire you. Read the article to know how to make a wedding photography proposal.

3+ Wedding Photography Proposal Samples

1. Wedding Photography Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 941 KB


2. Wedding Photography Policy Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 646 KB


3. Wedding Photography Package Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What is a Wedding Photography?

Wedding photography is a specialty in the photography field that mainly focuses on the photography of events and activities related to weddings. It may include other types of portrait, traditional, and candid photography of the couple before and during their official wedding day.

Details to Include in a Wedding Photography Proposal

 1. Cover Letter

The first part of the proposal is your cover letter where you include a brief overview about you, the professional photography experiences you had in the past, your qualifications, and your distinction compared to other photographers. Since couples can be especially picky when choosing photographers to shoot their wedding, make sure the cover letter is attractive. This is the first thing your clients notice so make sure it pops.

2. Basic Details Of The Wedding

Assuming that you got acquainted with your clients before you made your proposal, you already know who your clients are and the details about their upcoming wedding. This is where you write their details including the wedding and reception’s location,  the wedding date, the wedding theme, a short biography of both couples (include a summary of their love story to make it sweet), etc. Knowing your client well is important for you to customize your photography style according to their taste.

3. Project Timeline

Editing and developing photos and binding them in a portfolio can take some time to do and it isn’t possible to do all of those tasks in a single day; so you need to include a timeline where you outline the deadlines of each process of developing the photos until they are all ready to be claimed by the couple.

4. Your Wedding Photography Services

List all the services that you will be providing to your client.  Some examples of  services that wedding photographers offer to their clients are:

  • Pre-wedding shoots
  • Candid photography
  • Traditional videography and photography
  • Cinematography
  • Albums
  • Photobooth

Mention all your services in this section. You can also customize this section according to the preferred services that your clients want to have.

5. Wedding Photography Packages

This section is where you offer different packages (and their costs) to your clients from which they can choose. Make sure it is descriptive and include every detail of each package in your descriptions. State any additional costs that will come up in case of any discrepancy.

6. Portfolio of Your Previous Wedding Shoots

What better way to impress your clients and start convincing them that you’re the best photographer for their wedding than by showcasing your previous work. Display your best images in portfolios. Add as many photos as you like to fill up the entire space of your portfolio.

7. Details About Your Business

This section is where you will sell yourself to your clients by persuading them you’re the best photographer to shoot their wedding. This is where you mention in great detail everything about your photography business, including your background, mission, vision, your main focus in your business, your business goals, and other key pointers. This will help the client know you better and help build a sense of trust between you and your client.

Proceed by explaining to them the reasons why your clients should hire you for their wedding. Mention some of the characteristics that make you stand out from the competition.


What is a reasonable price for a wedding photographer?

Wedding photography prices vary from $1,000 to $10,000 depending on how big the wedding is.

How many photos do wedding photographers take?

The number of photos that a wedding photographer can shoot is around 50-100 photos per hour. Since most wedding photography gig lasts around 8 hours on average, the photographer shoots around 400-800 photos.

What is included in wedding photography packages?

A wedding photography package consists of:

  1. Photography coverage on the wedding day
  2. 2-3 photographers to shoot and cover the event
  3. Pre-nuptials photoshoot
  4. A USB stick with digital photographs stored in it
  5. Printed photographs
  6. Access to an online gallery made by the photographers
  7. A wedding album

Once you’re done drafting the proposal, review it and revise any grammatical and spelling errors. Check if your format is correct. Negotiate the proposal with your clients clearly and comprehensively and make sure to answer their questions well. With a little luck, your clients will sign the proposal by the end of your negotiations and you will be a part of making their wedding day a memorable experience. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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