Weddings are great fun and emotional, and for vendors and suppliers, these events are big sources of income for them. That is why a lot of business owners, who are both creative and business savvy and are big fanatics of weddings and matrimony, focus their business on supplying wedding packages for every couple who have different wants and needs for their big day. Since arranging wedding events are costly, couples would want to partner with trustworthy suppliers who will provide them with their dream wedding event. To ensure that the couples are dealing with legitimate suppliers, a contract should be made first before any preparations and delivery of supplies may start. A contract can protect both parties from any legal mishaps and help address any misunderstandings from both parties by stating what exactly both parties can expect from each other. This article will guide you on how to make a wedding supplier contract.


10+ Wedding Supplier Contract Samples

1. Wedding Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


2. Sample Wedding Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


3. Wedding Event Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 214 KB


4. Company Wedding Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 792 KB


5. Wedding Supplier Agreement Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


6. Standard Wedding Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 139 KB


7. Wedding Supplier Service Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 223 KB


8. Wedding Supplier Photographer Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


9. Wedding Product Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 77 KB


10. Client Wedding Supplier Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 151 KB


11. Wedding Supplier Payment Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What is a Wedding Supplier Contract?

A wedding supplier contract, just like any other supplier contract, is a legally binding document for a business transaction between the supplier and the client. In it, it is understood that if they signed the contract, all the written terms in the document are what both have agreed to do and should be followed and executed accordingly. If any party will not fulfill what is expected of them, the other party can enforce legal actions against the other party.

Details to Include in a Wedding Supplier Contract

1. Header

First of all, you need to give information about your business. Put a company header or logo at the top of the contract to know where the contract comes from then below it put the complete address of your company, the phone number, email address, websites, and social media accounts. Then at the center, but the title of the contract. A simple “Wedding Supplier Contract” will suffice since it describes what the document is about.

2. Names of the Parties

Next, include your full name (or your representative, if you’re not available) and the full name of your clients (the couple). Title yourself as the supplier and the couples as your client. The terms supplier and client will be used throughout the contract.

3. Wedding Details

The next thing to include in the contract is all the complete details of the wedding. You must include this information in the contract:

  • Date, location, and time of the wedding
  • Wedding coordinator, if applicable
  • The chosen service package by the clients (all its inclusions and details)
  • The total amount of the service package (plus taxes, if applicable)
  • Schedule of the services being provided
  • Number of service crews  and suppliers working for the wedding event
  • Advertisement and promotional clause (this is important especially if you want to use the photographs or video clips taken from the wedding for commercial purposes)

3. Payment Terms

This section must discuss how the payment will be made by the client. Include information regarding deposit details after booking the supplier, payment plan terms (if the client cannot pay in full upon signing the contract), and all necessary bank details of the client for you to charge them at a set payment schedule.

4.  Cancellation Terms

You must also discuss your cancellation terms in case the couple gets cold feet and decide not to pursue the wedding package service including a refund clause. Include details such as force majeure, personal reasons for cancellation, or liability to provide specific products and services, etc. must be explained on how they will be dealt with by both parties.

5. Additional Clauses

Include other important clauses imperative to your contract such as a service extension clause and limitations and restrictions clause to protect you from any unexpected events. You can also discuss additional fees that you may charge with your clients especially if they ask for additional services not included in the package, such as out-of-town fees or extra service charges.


What is a typical wedding cancellation policy?

Most wedding cancellation policy depends on what type of agreement is made between the couples about to be married and the vendor. Most vendors may refund the deposit made by the couples in full if the couple decides to cancel the vendor’s services far ahead of time and rebook them for a new schedule.

Should you give tips to wedding vendors?

Even though you paid the vendors for their services, tipping is not necessarily mandatory but doing it doesn’t hurt either and may be seen as a kind gesture. You can offer a 10% to 20% of the total bill tip to vendors or give them cute giveaways as a form of a non-monetary tip.

Once you’re done making the draft of the contract, make sure to review it first to check if there are any errors or inaccurate information you may have accidentally input before you present the contract to your clients. Discuss it well with them to ensure they understand your terms and reach a mutual agreement by signing the contract.  To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample templates above to use as your guide!

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