A raffle will typically lose its objective if there is not enough publicity around it. Don’t get us wrong. But by publicity we definitely do not mean hogging the limelight. But with a simple and clever usage of Raffle Event Flyer Templates you can easily achieve this purpose. It also helps that a wide array of designs is present for you to choose from. If you want to leave your own impression on them, you can customize them too. Choose from the ones listed below.

Raffle Flyer Template

Printable Casino Raffle Flyer Template

printable casino raffle flyer template

Sample Raffle Ticket Template

Raffle Flyer Sample

raffle flyer sample

This eye-catcher sample Raffle flyer template sports an abstract background that has geometric shapes too! If the objective is to organize a fun event with a touch of heritage, look no further. People of all ages can identify and will have an instant liking for this sample. Whether you want to organize fundraisers or any other event, customize it and attach it to e-mails to spread the word.

Raffle Flyer Template

raffle flyer template1

A Raffle flyer template that is available in 4 different colors! Any joyous celebration calls for color. Are you thinking of organizing the block party this year or the office Christmas party or someone’s birthday party at work, colors work for sure. Four colors, namely- blue, orange, lavender and green, can be used in this template and using a faded background you can mention the purpose of the event, the date, the time and other specifics.

Raffle Tickets

raffle tickets

Raffle tickets as a Raffle flyer template serve the purpose of engaging the attention of your invitees. The raffle ticket looks almost like a ticket and comes complete with a barcode even. Like a movie ticket or a rock/music concert ticket you can actually attach or print photographs of people on them and mention the dates, time and seat numbers.

Raffle Ticket Flyer Template

raffle ticket flyer template

As a Raffle flyer template, the raffle ticket template has the opportunity of incorporating many types of ticket flyers on a single page. The flyers have the names, addresses and contact details of the attendees. When you want to thank your invitees, this is the perfect way to do it, using this raffle template.

Raffle Flyer Designs

raffle flyer designs

Not fan of something subtle? A somewhat graphic and yet artistic background on a Raffle Flyer Template can be what you have been looking for. Go all out with font types and designs to decorate this. This clearly indicates that any kind of customization or personalisation is easily possible with this template.

50/50 Raffle Flyer Template

5050 raffle flyer template

This 50/50 Raffle flyer template has the look of a coupon or a receipt. Whether it’s a fundraiser or a charity event, if you want to invite people and want them to retain a counterpart, which can be torn from the flyer using a perforated strip you do so with ease with this flyer template. This flyer template has a longer part, which serves as the ticket and the counterpart that the attendee can retain.

Raffle Ticket Flyer Template

raffle ticket template


This Raffle flyer template is truly like a family. Since it comes in a bundle of 4 different flyers, it can be used when you want to invite different members of the same family for a family-oriented event may be (think a barbeque party, block party or a birthday party). The large flyer can be used to send out an invitation to the father of the family, the relatively smaller one can go out to the mother and two small ticket templates can be for the kids or the children of the family.

Raffle Flyer Examples

raffle flyer examples

Yet another example of a colourful Raffle flyer template is this. Using light shades of purple, pink, brown, orange and blue the borders of the flyers can be decorated. If you want to choose a font that reflects fun or something that is subtle and classy, this flyer template can easily incorporate both.

New Year Raffle Flyer

new year raffle flyer

Custom Raffle Ticket Flyer

custom raffle ticket flyer

What is a Raffle Flyer Template?

To spread information about any raffle in the locality, the best medium is Raffle flyer templates. They are informative and at the same time are able to elevate the fun quotient associated with any event. While checking online for any kind of raffle templates, you will find a variety to choose from and you have to make the right choice depending on the occasion and the audience of the said gathering. Since these templates are easily available online in PDF format they can be easily downloaded and customized to fit your occasion better.

How to Create a Raffle Flyer Template?

Creating a Raffle flyer template is easy, given that you know exactly what and where to look for. The search for your desired template across the World Wide Web will lead you to many eye-catching samples. Based on the situation, occasion and who is the target audience, you can choose a certain design or Wedding Flyer Template and make necessary changes to make it more appealing.

Advantages of using a Raffle Flyer Template:

  • They can be easily designed or customized from what is available online rather than taking on the task from scratch
  • More options to choose from
  • No need to get your hands dirty, simply use the soft copy of the templates
  • Economical and time-saving

Well, now you are all set to design/customize your raffle template and start inviting people!
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