An executive summary report is an overview of another report, a document, or an activity that contains crucial information and salient points that make or breaks the purpose of its entirety. As its definition implies, it also grants the readers what to expect from something that didn’t happen yet to maintain the reader’s interest and anticipate what’s going to happen.

Writing an executive summary report can sometimes be a difficult task as it should be short and not longer than three paragraphs but at the same time, should include the report of the necessary information which should be able to influence the readers to feel excited about the experience the original document will bring them. What are the important parts of an executive summary report? If you’re writing one yourself, our free executive summary report templates might be able to help you start with your task by clicking the download button. Keep reading.

10+ Executive Summary Report Samples

1. Executive Summary Report Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


2. Executive Summary Overview Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Survey Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 174 KB


4. Final Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


5. Evaluation Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


6. Draft Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


7. Printable Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 563 KB


8. Consultant Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


9. Project Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


10. Self Evaluation Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 282 KB


11. Internships Executive Summary Report

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


What are the parts of an executive summary report?

1. Summary

An executive summary also needs its own summary so that the readers might know what is it all about they are reading if the title of the paper is not enough to tell them what’s behind the executive summary report. This is done by writing two to three sentences of its statement of purpose and the main issue or problem that it is trying to address. This part can be written in question type or just a narrative statement.

2. Background

The background of the report is where the history of the events that led to the creation of the problem. The problem stated should be specific and is not vague about what it is. It could also be that this problem is the only one of its kind or has been encountered already in a previous study and if it is, compare it with the current one that you’re working on. This part also mentions the partnerships done in order to carry out the purpose of the original document or the event including if the partnership involves financial agreements between the parties involved.

3. Process

This part of your executive summary report states the methods and steps that are undertaken to resolve the problem of the ways that an event was/will be carried out to perfection. Also in this part where the organizations and key persons are mentioned and their contributions to the success of the activity or the implementation of the solution to the problem at hand. The challenges encountered to implement the solution are also included and the ways of the organization to give solutions to it.

4. Results and Conclusions

The outcome and the results of the formulated solution to the problem is either a failure or a success depending on how effective the process was religiously followed or if the solution is even the most appropriate solution to the problem. This includes a narration of the findings and the details of what makes the solution successful or a failed process and should contain the particular instances that the quality of the solution has shown itself.

5. Recommendations

The success of the solution to the problem certainly is not a perfect one how great it seems it is. Much less if it’s a failed undertaking. Nonetheless, a recommendation statement is still needed to point out what went wrong and what are the key takeaways from the result. It should also be stated in this part of the summary report the possible improvisations and the new methods to see better results or to avoid the encountered issues towards solving the problem. Thus, the findings are evaluated to formulate even better strategies and to create policies that are crucial to the organization and its goals.


What does takeaway mean?

It is the conclusion made after facts and results are presented from an activity or a study. It is the learnings resulting from the experiments done to see a result.

What is the role of a partner in a business?

It assumes the roles and responsibilities of an executive such as managing the business’s processes and finances as well as keeping track of its under profits and expenses.

What is an organizational chart?

It is a chart that highlights the hierarchical structure of the positions of an organization. It also briefly describes the roles and responsibilities of each position and the departments that the organization is composed of.

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