Receptions are times which require much elegance when being held. They are those occasions which you desire to make everything perfect before the D-day to make it turn out right. When preparing for the event you need a well-designed reception invitation card which you can send to your beloved ones or your esteemed guests. We offer you templates that fit just right for the occasion you are planning and already include a format of how you can lay out the texts on them.
Wedding Reception Invitation Template

The model is designed to fascinate the receiver by its triangular shape. The standard also requires you to hold the card as if to show the letter V and that denotes feminism. When you open the card, it acquires the shape of the letter A which represents masculism. The design is from a movie called Da Vinci Code.
Retirement Reception Invitation Template

Retirements are to some extent both formal and informal. The model we provide has a progressive faint gray color on the sides and include text written with stylish fonts. It also has to mention the name of the one retiring, the location of where the event will take place, the date, the time and few details of the workplace. Additionally, it goes well with a particular envelope designed to get sold along with it.
Reception Invitation Template PSD

The color of the background of the template is a light black which had pink colored dots before the texts. The first text on the template tells what the business occasion is for, the date, the time, and the location of where it will take place. The font styles printed on it are casual for it to fit the fact that the occasion is business related. Unlike other invitation cards which have many bright colors and stylish fonts.
Reception Invitation Template

Sample Reception Invitation Template

Chalkboard Reception Invitation

Advantages of Reception Invitation Templates
One advantage is that their design allows you to have an easy time when constructing one since the design is ready, you just have to put content on the invitation card. Another advantage is that the template is editable and printable. Therefore, you can save the document on your computer to make other prints that you may need in the future.
Why our Templates are Sufficient for You?
The design has been carefully put together by our expert teams who have great experience in creating reception invitation templates; therefore, they will adequately show honor to the one who is retiring. Our templates are also readily available and come at affordable prices. Additionally, they come with a standard license which allows you to make any sales from them of up to five hundred units.
We request our customers to rate our templates after they have used them. Also, we offer free word pdf invitation templates which you can download directly from our website. We also have a client care team which works to ensure all you inquiries get attended to and all customers get serviced accordingly. Finally, upon any custom justifications you would like implemented, don’t hesitate to consult our experts.
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